The Best B2B Influencers

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In the B2B market, there are many influencers, but key ones are those whose followers listen to and use the information given by that influencer. Many people and companies can have a huge following, but that does not always translate into someone who actually makes a difference in the choices of their followers. So choosing the right influencers – in B2B or any other market determines whether or not a campaign ends with the maximum success.

Onalytica created a document recently with information specifically about B2B influencers in the U.S. and the U.K. You can find that information here.

According to their report, they identified the top 50 U.S. and top 50 U.K. influencers in B2B marketing on Twitter. Since different social media platforms function differently, the most successful Twitter influencers may not have any pull with followers on other platforms, so when making determinations, each platform should be considered separately.

The report studied the period of August 21 through November 18, 2015, and 26,000 tweets using a search of “B2BMarketing.” Using this criteria, they identified the top 100 most influential influencers and brands. Interestingly, both the top spots were filled by tweeters from the U.K., with the top brand being @MarketingB2B with a 35.29 page ranking. And the top influencer – by far – @JonathanSedger (specializing in videos)– with a whopping 85.65 influencer score.  When it comes to the top influencer slot, everyone else both in the U.S. and the U.K. had influencer scores of less than 10. So if your niche is in the B2B Marketing field, someone like @JonathanSedger would score big time.

However, if your work is not dealing with the U.K. go for positive reviews from the top 5 influencers in the U.S, with a combined influence score of nearly 33. The top 5 U.S. influencers are currently @cahidalgo, @BrennerMichael, @KatieMartell, @KatieDuncanKD, and @evankirstel.

The top 3 U.K. brands have a combined influence score of approximately 70 – so with marketing in that field in the U.K, look at @MarketingB2B, @B2BVids, and @B2BMARKETING_UK. In the U.S., use the top 5 for a combined score of nearly 50. Those five are @socialsensi, @MultiView, @Demandbase, @radius, and @triblio.

For B2B marketers and specialists, following these pages on Twitter would also be a good choice keeping current with your field of expertise.

VirgoPR (1)

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