The World Bank Group Seeks Firm For Brand Identity 

The World Bank Group Seeks Firm For Brand Identity 


The Government of Ukraine has established the Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF) to support energy efficient (EE) modernization of Ukraine’s residential housing stock. The EEF will be funded by the Government of Ukraine and will provide grants to homeowners of multi-family buildings to perform EE retrofits in their buildings. To support the Government of Ukraine, the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany have contributed EUR 90 million into an IFC-managed multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) to provide grant assistance to HOAs to co-finance the implementation of energy efficiency measures in multi-family buildings.

To support the EEF, IFC has launched a comprehensive advisory services project (the Project) that aims to support the EEF, manage donors’ contributions and create a market environment conducive for facilitating energy efficient renovation of multi-family buildings in Ukraine. The Project aims to support the EEF in disbursing grants to approximately 5,900 homeowners’ associations (HOAs) to co-finance energy efficient renovation in their multi-family buildings facilitating total investment of about $235 million. The Vision of the Energy Efficiency Fund, as determined together with the other international stakeholders (EU, Germany, IFC, WBG, GiZ, UDNP, and the Government of Ukraine), is to serve as a national platform providing energy efficiency solutions to ensure energy security, energy independence and to boost economic prosperity of Ukrainian economy and its citizens.

The Mission of the Energy Efficiency Fund is to provide grant support and facilitate technical expertise to implement energy efficiency renovation projects in the multifamily housing sector.

With the EEF expected to become operational in Spring, 2019, the purpose of the assignment for the design firm is (a) to develop brand book for the EEF umbrella branding; (b) to develop pre-launch awareness materials in print and digital spaces; and (c) to develop EEF website with its brand identity.


The World Bank Group’s Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice (FCI) combines expertise in the financial sector with expertise in private sector development to foster private-sector-led growth and help create markets in client countries. Through this work, FCI strengthens the World Bank Group’s evolving approach to development finance: to maximize finance for development and to leverage private sector investments for sustainable and inclusive growth.

Globally, FCI leads the institution’s dialogue on financial sector policies and private sector development, as well as engagement with various standard-setting bodies, such as the G20, Financial Stability Board, the UN, etc. Within countries, FCI works with governments to create an enabling environment where financial stability, access to finance and risk management provide a foundation to crowd-in private sector investment, create capital markets, and accelerate equitable growth. At the same time, the practice is focused on identifying firm- and industry-level constraints to deliver reforms, which can drive growth and accelerate job creation (including access to finance, innovation, special economic zones, industry solutions, entrepreneurship, etc.). Boosting firm-level efficiency and productivity centers on adopting better technologies, including digital ones.

Scope of Work:

Objective A: To develop Brand Book for the Energy Efficiency Fund umbrella branding.

Deliverables: Umbrella branding for the Energy Efficiency Fund is developed. The branding should be unique, universal for all topics on energy efficiency and coordinated with all participating institutions, providing technical assistance, including Government of Ukraine, UNDP. The Brand Book is to include EEF logo, communication style, typography, color scheme, visibility of logos in co-branding and at different resources.

Objective B: To develop website for the EEF.

Deliverables: The visual and programming of a website for the government partner (EEF) in accordance with the EEF Brand Book. Web-hosting and editorial work is not the scope of the assignment.

Objective C: To develop pre-launch awareness materials.

Deliverables: A set of marketing materials for the pre-launch awareness campaign to be developed in accordance with EEF Brand Book. This should include at least the following (banners, city-lights, posters, brochures, in digital and in print media). The content of the materials is to be agreed upon with the Project and coordinated with the other stakeholders. The pre-launch campaign materials will be tested and then adjusted after the EEF launch. The scope of this assignment does not include post-launch campaign, but could be extended, should parties agree.

Due Date:

November 1st


Procurement Policy and Services Group

The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C., 20433, U.S.A.

APCO Worldwide and Ketchum PR could fit.

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