Top Parenting Influencers

GroupHigh, a service that studies and compiles information on various social media (and otherwise) influencers, recently put out their list of top 60 parenting influencers. Here’s what the list shows:

  1. Two boys one girl and a crazy mom — Reach over 30K. Topics for posts cover such things as recipes, healthy snack ideas, DIY projects, crafts, appropriate movies for her teenaged sons and daughter, and a lot more.
  2. A daddy blog. — Reach almost 32.4K. Topics for posts cover such things as living in the south, DIY stuff, and general parenting.
  3. A Helicopter Mom — Reach over 212.6K. Topics for posts cover such things as crafts, travel, reviews, recipes, and giveaways.
  4. All Mommy Wants — Reach almost 92K. Topics for posts cover such things as giveaways, pets, recipes, product reviews.
  5. Amyoztan — Reach over 39K. Topics for posts cover such things as sponsored baking recipes, reviews, tech, and sponsored posts.
  6. Arts Crackers — Reach over 15K. Topics for posts cover such things as kids, arts and crafts, recipes, and product endorsements.
  7. Casey Palmer — Reach over 14K. Topics for posts cover such things as Canadian stories and info, household and vehicle maintenance, and projects.
  8. Celeb Baby Laundry — Reach over 38.5K. Topics for posts cover such things as celebrity parent, pregnancy, twins, and featured stories.
  9. Chemist Dad — Reach over 6.4K. Topics for posts cover such things as health, home, photography, and recipes.
  10. Classy Mommy — Reach over 138K. Topics for posts cover such things as product reviews, giveaways, crafts, movies, travel and entertainment.
  11. Dad Goes Round — Reach nearly 4K. Topics for posts cover such things as fatherhood, health, woodcrafts, and parenting.
  12. Daddy Blogger – Reach over 31K. Topics for posts cover such things as travel blog, reviews, interviews, and family.
  13. Daddy Daydream — Reach over 6.6K. Topics for posts cover such things as games, game reviews, shout outs, and movies and television.
  14. Daddy Mojo — Reach nearly 15K. Topics for posts cover such things as children, naptime, sponsored products, reading, pop culture, and comics.
  15. Daddy Newbie — Reach nearly 8K. Topics for posts cover such things as parenting, reviews and giveaways, quotes, and recipes.
  16. Designer Daddy — Reach over 7.3K. Topics for posts cover such things as parenting, LGBT issues, life lessons, and things both parents and children enjoy.
  17. Eco child’s Play — Reach over 10.5K. Topics for posts cover such things as product review, environment, pregnancy, recipes, vegan, and health news.
  18. Everyday Reading — Reach over 44.7K. Topics cover such things as book reviews, parenting tips and tricks, recipes, book lists, and children’s fashion.
  19. Pretty Extraordinary – Reach over 64.5K. Topics cover such things as style, family, food, fashion, and parenting.
  20. Fawn Over baby – Reach over 13.6K. Topics cover such things as nursery, product reviews , DIY, photography, and celebration.
Site Reach Site
21 9K+ 41 Naturalmommie
22 Nearly 28K 42 Naturemoms
23 Nearly 23K 43 7onashoestring
24 Nearly 22K 44 Owtk
25 Honeyandlime 85K+ 45 Plainvanillamom
26 Nearly 55K 46 Playgrounddad
27 11K+ 47 SincerelyLauren
28 35.5K+ 48 Slouchingtowardsthatcham
29 Nearly 105.5K 49 Stuffparentsneed
30 Momlessmom 17.5K+ 50 Teachablemommy
31 Mommasgonecity 673K 51 Theadventurer
32 Mommydigger 19K+ 52 Thefabmom
33 Mommygoggles Nearly 22K 53 Mommyfactor
34 MommyJenna 30K 54 Themommyisland
35 Mommycatandkids Nearly 67K 55 TheShirleyjourney
36 Theitmom 265K+ 56 Yorkshiredad
37 Mommypracticality Nearly 20K 57 Uncreativemommy
38 Mommyramblings 18.5K 58 Wisconsinmommy
39 Mommyramblings 25K+ 59 Sandyalamode
40 Nannytomommy Nearly 49K 60 Youthedaddy

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