Traveling sustainably


For consumers today, sustainability is a concern. The travel industry is no exception. Awareness about carbon emission from traveling has increased. Sustainable traveling has more positive impact than negative, especially related to the environment. The travel industry plays a crucial role in giving economic stability and measures are being adopted to travel sustainably to save fragile ecosystems before it is too late. Traveling sustainably not only minimizes the environmental footprint, it also creates balance between the well-being of human beings, economic growth, and environmental health. Given below are tips on how to put sustainable travel into practice.

Carry sustainable travel kits

Waste can be produced in many ways other than carbon emissions from fuel consumption. It can also come from single use plastic and styrofoam utensils used for meals and drinks. For a waste-free travel experience, it is useful to carry a kit that contains sustainable travel essentials, like reusable straw and cutlery sets. Lightweight aluminum travel bottles can also help to cut out the use of plastic. These bottles can also be reused an infinite number of times. Carrying towels also lessens the laundry that has to be done because of the free towels offered by hotels. Toothpaste tablets are available which can be chewed on.

Using efficient modes of transportation

If vacationing to closer destinations, traveling by train can cut down on carbon emission. Traveling by bus or cycling down are also better options than renting a car. There are ‘eco’ or ‘green’ flights which use biofuel. Eco flights are becoming increasingly available. Environmentally friendly flights like Air Canada or American Airlines are committed to removing single-use plastics and going paperless on their flights.

Conserve local water and energy resources

Traveling also depends on energy for heating and electricity. While traveling, it is important to do whatever is necessary to save local water and energy resources. Turning off lights or other electrical equipment when not in use and taking brief showers  help to reduce environmental footprint. Staying in properties that use renewable energy and energy conservation technologies can also prove to be useful.

Carbon offsetting

To compensate for inevitable carbon emissions, a person can resort to carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting lets  travelers  make up for  the carbon footprint of a trip. All a traveler needs to do is to figure out the  carbon footprint of a trip by using an online carbon calculator, and then buy offsets equal to the amount of carbon dioxide produced. The money obtained from the offset is used in projects that will reduce carbon emissions in some way. For example, one project will support wastewater treatment plants.

Choose a sustainable travel destination

There are some destinations that are more eco-friendly than others. Some destinations have more locally-owned guest houses than hotel chains and in some places no driving is necessary to get around. For instance, Snowdon in Wales has community run restaurants and general stores that serve locally-grown produce. Meals in such restaurants are often a farm-to-table experience which means that the area’s sustainable farming practices are being supported.

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