UNDP Seeks National Media Firm For Campaign on National Reconciliation in Libya

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Development Programme

UNDP intends to engage into a contractual actual agreement for a period of 9 months, for the implementation of a national media and outreach campaign on reconciliation to design appropriately targeted and cost- effective programmatic interventions to promote national reconciliation.  The service provider will design various outreach, sensitization and communications tool, activities and products, elaborate diverse communications materials on various support, establish relevant partnerships with key media and social media outlets, and implement the outreach campaign nationally over an initial period of 9 months, effective from the signature of contract.

The proposal should include details on:

  • The establishment of partnerships and networks with influential national TV, radios, blogs, social media, and online channels in order to design and broadcast live debate programs, documentaries, cartoons cultural events and spots on national reconciliation, contributing to building the national sentiment and fighting against hate speech, divisions and stereotypes. The partnerships proposed should contribute to build and sustain local/national ownership for the reconciliation process, and target both positive audience (agents of change) and spoilers (agents of risks). The proposal should specifically demonstrate the bidder’s capacity in establishing these partnerships.
  • The detailed campaign’s design and implementation plan, including messaging, tools, types of products, topics to address, timeline of action in the targeted areas and groups, based on the detailed list below. The proposal should also include suggestions for a common ‘look’ (visual identity) involving the development of a logo, colour scheme and image, to be used as common layout for all documents, videos, and other communication materials developed throughout the project.


  • 6 prime time short TV spots (30 sec each) promoting national reconciliation targeting diverse groups (youth, women, cultural components, IDPs…).
  • 9 prime time TV interviews (15 minutes each) with influential figures (artists, athletes, community leaders, elders, demobilized militia members, displaced women, etc.) to promote reconciliation messages.
  • 5 prime time talk shows (30 – 45 minutes each) with public figures, representatives of ethnic groups and tribes, citizens, public officials or community representatives from areas with success stories of reconciliation.
  • 3 town hall meetings (one hour each) to address regional issues related to reconciliation (i.e. Tripoli, Sebha, Benghazi).
  • 2 short animation movies (60 sec each) to explain the concept, necessity and background of national reconciliation.
  • 2 live broadcasts of Friday prayer to promote a religious message around peace and reconciliation.
  • 14 prime time radio spots (30 sec each) or short messages focusing on specific topics, areas, or actors engaged in reconciliation process, to be broadcasted in radio stations across Libya.
  • 14 prime time radio talk shows (30-45 minutes each) in radio station across Libya, focusing on the main issues and specificities affecting reconciliation in these localities.
  • 30 posters (Panel flex – 3-month duration each) promoting images of tolerance, reconciliation, peace and national identity, to be placed in key areas and locations across Libya.
  • 2 art exhibitions, (one day long each) to be organized in different cities, stressing importance, meaning and tools of national reconciliation and peace as well as the Libyan national memory and identity (sculpture, painting, photography…)
  • 2 marathons in two different cities, widely disseminated in traditional media and social media (T- Shirts, slogans, etc.). The purpose of these events is to strengthen the relationship among people using the sport activities.
  • A football competition bringing together athletes from various areas, groups, tribes and cities, to be widely promoted in media.
  • Create and maintain website to facilitate sharing information of reconciliation activities, efforts and good lessons learned.
  • Create and regularly update social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube Channel), with a specific visual identity and an easy-to-remember slogan to be used in all tools developed as part of the campaign.

Due Date:

November 28


UNDP Libya, based at Tunis – Tunisia.
Rue du Lac Windermere,
Les Berges du Lac
1053 Tunis, Tunisia

Agencies with strong international experience include APCO Worldwide and Burson Marsteller.

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