UNDP State of Kuwait Issues Media Campaign Development RFP

UNDP State of Kuwait Issues Media Campaign Development
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UNDP State of Kuwait Issues Media Campaign Development

The objective of this assignment is to develop an awareness campaign that addresses the 4th batch JPO recruitment. The assignment will focus on attracting the young Kuwaitis who meet qualification and competency requirements along with expertise in the following areas finance, policy planning, HR, green energy, humanitarian affairs, and many other important fields.


In 2012, the State of Kuwait signed a Memorandum of Agreement with UNDP to participate in the Junior Professional Officers (JPO) programme, to send young Kuwaiti professionals to serve in  various entities of the United Nations for a period of two years, enabling them to gain experience in international development strategic policy and implementation. Kuwait is the only Arab State currently supporting the UNDP JPO programme and is the largest donor to the JPO programme from the region to date. The Kuwait JPO Programme is managed by the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD) and supported by UNDP Kuwait, the JPO Service Centre in Copenhagen and the JPO Office at the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in New York. Kuwait has now sent three batches totaling 26 young male and female Kuwaiti professionals

Scope of Work:

Objective of the Media Campaign:

  1. Raise awareness by attracting more Kuwaiti youth audience to apply for the selected 10 JPO posts.
  2. Highlight the value added of the JPO Programme to Kuwait, UNDP and SDGs
  3. Identify and develop the design of suitable communication strategy with clear measurable metrics and advocacy tools to be used in the public awareness campaign. This should include the production of one infographic video (45 sec duration) suitable for social media broadcasting. In addition, public and private social media messages, and email marketing to promote the UNDP Kuwait JPO programme during the application phase. The company shall provide a prototype of infographic video or example of previous with similar approach.
  4. Develop detailed implementation (promotion) plan with reflection of impressions for each media source. The plan shall be supported with detailed timeline.

Deliverables of the Media Campaign:

Infographic Video:

  • Develop one infographic video that serves the purpose for the JPO recruitment (duration 45 seconds)
  • Update the current available video content.
  • Organize interviews with UNDP Senior Management and GSSCPD to promote the JPO programme

Social Media Campaign:

  • lnstagram Promoted Advertisements Snap Chat advertisements
  • Broadcasting the infographic video for the entire duration of the campaign (30 days)
  • Directing the applicant to the JPO website via the advertisements Required at least 200,000 viewers during the campaign period (30 days)
  • Prepare tweet, lnstagram and Facebook messages to be used by UNDP and GSCPD to promote the JPO Programme

Private Social Media News Accounts:

  • Broadcast the video on at least 10 active private social media news account
  • Utilizing the new accounts that are approved by the Ministry of information
  • Direct all questions and communication to the GSSCDP lnstagram account

Email Marketing:

  • Design and develop email marketing ad
  • Advertise the ad through email marketing campaign Advertise the ad for 500,000 (OPIT-ln inbox)
  • Advertise the ad for 500,000 (OPIT-ln inbox)

Update JPO.gov.kw Website:

  • Update the website with the required contents that reflect the recruitment of the 4th batch
  • Kuwaiti JPOs (dates, JPO posts, pictures, FAQ…etc)

Due Date:

October 4th


procurement.kw @undp.org

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