United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Issues RFP For Multimedia Campaign

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Issues RFP For Multimedia Campaign

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Issues RFP For Multimedia Campaign

The purpose of this contract is to support the implementation of the SBCC Plan for Nutrition and, thus, contribute to improve the nutritional status of children in Lao PDR. It will focus on two main channels stated in the Plan: Traditional and Mass Media; and Social Media.

It is expected that the campaign will respond to the following objectives:

  • Design the branding for campaign with appropriate name, logo and tagline that will be used across all communication materials, providing a unified brand identity.
  • Define key messages for parents and caregivers through wider stakeholder consultation to ensure they are locally relevant and culturally sensitive. These messages will be a basis to develop all communication materials.
  • Design and produce communication materials flipcharts, podcasts, radio series and spots, TV spots, videos and Social Media content.
  • Design and implement media and online media buying plan.
  • Design and implement any other innovation proposed by the agency to get the messages across including a website, Youtube channel, short message service (SMS), etc.


UNICEF is the agency of the United Nations mandated to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF strives to establish children’s rights as international standards of behaviour towards children. UNICEF’s role is to mobilise political will and material resources to help countries ensure a “first call for children”. UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children.

UNICEF carries out its work through its headquarters in New York, 8 regional offices and 125 country offices world-wide. UNICEF also has a research centre in Florence , a supply operation based in Copenhagen and offices in Tokyo and Brussels. UNICEF’s 37 committees raise funds and spread awareness about the organizations mission and work.

Scope of Work:

A. Review of Existing Materials

Collect and review background documents, including SBCC strategy and desk review. UNICEF will provide the agency with a list of materials.

B. Branding and Message Development

  1. All communication messages, materials and activities must be framed and developed under a single brand identity which the agency will develop in close collaboration with UNICEF and key stakeholders and if required, the participation of target groups.
  2. Develop key messages and content to be framed by the agency around the chosen brand identity and refined via a consultative workshop with stakeholders to ensure they are relevant to the context.

C. Materials Development

Guided by the brand identity and key messages, the agency will develop a series of multi-media materials and campaign implementation plan. More details can be found in the ‘Details of the work assignments’ section of this Terms of Reference, but should cover:

  1.  Develop concepts and format for each of the materials.
  2. Draft content (print, audiovisual materials and social media campaign) based on the messages and overall narrative.
  3. Translate materials in Lao language.

All materials are expected to be of high quality, low-literacy friendly and culturally sensitive, and include the perspectives of target groups/audiences. All materials must be visually representative and inclusive of all genders, ages and ethnicity. The selected agency will be required to use a participatory, human­ rights-based approach to material development, seeking feedback from parents, relevant community members and children themselves.

D. Conceptualize and process design and layout

  1. Produce visuals (photos, illustrations, graphic gimmicks, cartoon) for inclusion into those materials.
  2. Layout the materials.
  3. Develop a graphic chart so that the selected branding and tagline can be used by any partner on any materials, following rules for placement, size and color code.
  4.  Prepare a media plan for broadcasting TV and radio spots for two periods of one month each (with a break of one month in between), considering media preferences of the target groups.
  5. Prepare a plan to place ads in newspapers and electronic media for two periods of one month each (with a break of one month in between), considering media preferences of the target groups.
  6. Negotiate cost with TV and radio channels, newspapers and the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism (including Lao National Radio) with support of UNICEF to establish costs corresponding to the plan.
  7. Media and Social Media buying to position the campaign on traditional media and social media, promote posts and get high engagement rates.

E. Pre-Testing of all Materials

All products, including logo, tagline, messages and materials need to be pre­ tested. It is recommended that the pre-tests be sub-contracted to an external agency with prior approval from UNICEF to ensure independent assessment. The cost for the pre-tests will need to be covered under the financial proposal of this TORs. It is also suggested that both a UNICEF staff member and a representative from a mass media organization/government counterpart be present at the pre-test exercise. The external agency for pre-testing should develop tools to assess:

1) the level of understanding of the messages and materials.

2) the level of cultural acceptability of messages and materials.

3) the appreciation of visuals and graphics; and

4) if and how a brand name, tag line and logo resonate with the intended audience.

5) their understanding of whom the materials are speaking to. It is suggested that Focus Group Discussions be included as one of the tools to be used. The detailed methodology will be further defined by the agency in close collaboration with UNICEF. In summary, this will include:

  1. Organize Focus Group Discussion (FOG) with each of the targets to check
    1. level of acceptability of the materials in general
    2. level of understanding of messages and
    3. appreciation of visuals and graphic.

Due Date:

September 24th


UNICEF Vientiane, Lao PDR

Bid Reference Number: LRPS-2018/9142434

Km3 Thadeua Road, Ban Watnak Vientiane, Lao PDR

Agencies to consider include Makovsky PR and MWWPR.

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