United Nations Development Programme Issues Market Research RFP

United Nations Development Programme Issues Market Research RFP


Hiring of a firm for the provision of services for Improving Design and Implementing Outreach and Behavior Change Campaigns by leveraging information and Communication Technology (CT)/ Digital Technology.


UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

This is a critical time for the world. At UNDP, we see this period as a huge opportunity to advance the global sustainable development agenda. In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. UNDP is working to strengthen new frameworks for development, disaster risk reduction and climate change. We support countries’ efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, or Global Goals, which will guide global development priorities through 2030.

Scope of Work:

UNDP aims to establish a 1-year Long Term Agreement for these services. The selected contractor will offer a menu of services with standard priced to UNDP which will cover integration of ICT for development (online services, application development, mobile outreach/communication, recommending appropriate communication platforms) and other innovative approaches to programming (behavioral insights, behavior change communication) into the UNDP project management cycle. Services would then be solicited on a need basis by relevant UNDP units by issuing Purchase Orders (POs).

The following 6 service lines have been identified for this contract:

Integrated Communication Strategy:

  • Analyze the project intervention end-to-end and develop communication strategy that integrates traditional media outreach: (TV/radio/print) with modern media (mobile, internet/social media) to ensure 2-way communication with target beneficiaries.

Data Collection & Management:

  • Research report and tailored database: assess knowledge, aptitudes and practices by leveraging on-ground and digital market research methods.
  • Analyze mobile and digital literacy levels of target communities along with communication preferences (language, medium etc.)
  • Collect rapid data from approx. 30 persons to assess market readiness for a product, campaign or service, and conduct community-level audits to improve service delivery or policy up take.
  • Training sessions for field staff and relevant stakeholders: Equip field staff and relevant stakeholders with digital data collection methods along with relevant capacity building activities in 15 sessions.
  • Online data collection/management platform: Manage and organize data in a user-friendly platform/dashboard that provides real-time visibility of data collection activities and outcomes.
  • Maintain custom dashboard for each project/program to assess performance over time.

Strengthening Community Mobilization Efforts:

  • Design dashboards for each project/program to assess performance over time.
  • Community communication campaign designed and implemented leverage mobile technology to create community-level awareness around on-ground mobilization activities improving impact per activity
  • Conduct post-activity feedback analysis for improvement: Design and implement creative techniques leveraging mobile/digital technology to measure knowledge retention over time

Content Stylizations & Production:

  • Content clips informed by field testing in target area based on data collection activities design and implement creative content production strategies for mobile/digital mediums that are localized, personalized and stylize to: Improve public perception around key issues; Improve & monitor knowledge retention; Accelerate behavior change & adoption; Asses available multimedia content and conduct field-testing with target communities to ensure relevant stylization and alignment with objectives
  • Wherever required, create fresh stylized multimedia content in national and regional languages and themes aimed at improving community engagement

Information Dissemination:

  • Mobile/digital outreach calendar + information dissemination platform
  • Leverage mobile and digital mediums to disseminate static and dynamic content in low cost and scalable ways
  • Information dissemination activities must be integrated with data collection activities to maximize impact
  • Design and implement digital outreach calendar for target beneficiaries while meeting agreed upon engagement metrics
  • All outreach campaigns (mobile + digital mediums) must be documented and managed using a consolidated fully functional digital platform
  • In cases where mobile phone numbers are not available, work with relevant stakeholders to conduct community awareness campaigns through mobile/digital mediums
  • Set up and manage hotlines with or without live call center features as needed and when needed

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning:

  • Comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and learning report: localized mobile-based campaigns to gather feedback from target regions and organize it effectively. Work with relevant stakeholders to leverage user profiling for effective campaigning. Analyze trends and suggest enhancements to accelerate and influence perception change. Conduct robust and statistically reliable impact assessments – including randomized controlled trials, baseline and end-line surveys, and developmental evaluations using mobile technology.

Due Date:

May 23rd



New Jersey based MWW PR could be a good contender for this assignment.

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