University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Issues Marketing RFP

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Issues Marketing RFP

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Issues Marketing RFP

As a step toward the strategic expansion of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus put forth by Chancellor Elliman in the fall of 2016, CU Anschutz now seeks focus on marketing strategies specific to the Anschutz Medical Campus. To that end, the University would like to engage a results-driven, full-service agency that is interested in building a long-term marketing consultancy partnership that will support the institution’s planning and implementation of marketing and advertising activities; which may include the development of messaging architecture, communications, marketing and advertising strategy, brand and creative assets, and media strategy, planning and brokering/placement of traditional and non-traditional media.

The successful agency will work in collaboration with the CU Anschutz Office of Communications as an extension of its small-scale marketing team, which brings expertise in (brand, marketing, advertising, digital engagement and editorial content) to establish messaging architecture and evolved branding to support unification and integration across the CU Anschutz Medical Campus and its vision to be a medical destination of such breadth and quality that no one from the Rocky Mountain Region should ever have to travel beyond this campus to receive the finest care in the world.

Scope of Work:

The project entails marketing and advertising services for the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus throughout the life of the resulting contract. The first project under the resulting contract the selected agency will be utilizing the existing brand work to evolve the brand strategy and develop a strategic platform for CU AMC. Including messaging architecture, brand evolution and an identity system for CU Anschutz Medical Campus and all schools and colleges, and partners including CU Medicine, University of Colorado Hospital and Children’s Hospital Colorado to create measurable awareness across Denver and the Front Range.

Later phases may include an awareness campaign for CU Anschutz Medical Campus to support the above identified campus’s strategic priorities through brand and marketing services including, but not limited to, brand strategy and development; consumer insights; media strategy, planning and buying; interactive strategy; web strategy; creative; copywriting; production; and account management and KPI’s, full-service marketing agencies are desired, and Colorado in-state agencies will receive preferential consideration.

The project deliverables include:

  • Overall marketing/advertising strategy;
  • Creative branding/messaging process or methodology;
  • Ideation/brainstorming of creative concepts and messages/copy;
  • Development of multidimensional creative that works effectively on several levels and formats;
  • Creative execution and production;
  • Development of communications plans and media strategy and plans, and the placement and trafficking of creative—the University requires interesting or distinct executions, placements or communication vehicles that bring recognition, excitement and energy to campaigns and marketing/communications efforts;
  • Senior/principal-level strategy, leadership and involvement, and assignment of experienced personnel to handle overall and day-to-day account management, creative direction and execution, media services and billing/finance; and
  • Regular reporting on measurable outcomes and tracking of campaign/marketing effort progress and ROI.

Due Date:

September 28th


Agencies worth considering include Hunter PR & Alison Brod PR.

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