University of Missouri Health Care Seeks Market Research Firm

University of Missouri


The Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of Mizzou Online is requesting information for a Market Research Firm. The purpose of this RFI is to identify vendors who are capable of providing meaningful insight into expanding undergraduate distance/online programs.

Scope of Work:

Expected outcome of a future market research proposal will need to include but is not limited to:

  • Detail and describe which of MU’s on-ground undergraduate degrees have the best sustainable market potential for online delivery domestically and internationally. (top 10 for each).

o     What criteria will be used to determine your recommendations? Outline the market conditions and considerations you would review and research.

o     Provide audience segmentation within the markets you’ve identified, e.g. military families, students with some college credit, international students, etc.

o     Provide geographic considerations.

o     Provide insight into the receptivity of online education among key international markets.

  • Describe and detail what the top 5-10 bachelor’s degrees not now offered at MU that we should considering developing for online delivery.

o     What criteria will be used to determine the recommendations? What are the career outcomes expected or the types of jobs earned?

  • Determine and provide details on what countries are most open to distance education.
  • Describe and detail what the top 5 – 10 bachelor’s degrees currently are that have the highest enrollment (biggest market growth potential?) Among Military audiences?
  • Describe and detail what the key course design/delivery elements are that are most important to distance students that will affect or aid in determining their selection of an institution or a program.

Due Date:

February 2nd, 2018


Strong education PR firms include Ruder Finn & Finn Partners.

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