Utah Issues Public Relations RFP

Utah Issues Public Relations RFP

Utah Issues Public Relations RFP

The purpose of this request for proposal is to enter into a contract between the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and a qualified firm to provide the Utah Department of Transportation and local agency partners within the State of Utah, public relations, outreach, and information management services for the Student Neighborhood Access Program.


The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP)™ is a fun and comprehensive program for walking and biking safely to school that engages and educates students, parents, school administrators, crossing guards and communities.

As part of the federal Safe Routes to Schools program administered by UDOT, SNAP’s first priority is student safety, with the goal to help make the roads around schools safer.

Under Utah law, all elementary, middle and junior high schools are required to create and distribute a SNAP Plan, which shows the safest routes to school. SNAP provides free resources to assist schools in creating and distributing their SNAP Plan to students and parents, and it works to:

  • Increase the safety and health of students
  • Decrease traffic congestion around schools

Scope of Work:

The overall objective of this contract will be to perform the following services on an individual bases or together:

  1. Create strategic communication plans
  2. Public Relations outreach
  3. Create and manage interactive Web sites
  4. Create a variety of graphic elements
  5. Create radio, print and online ads
  6. Purchase ad-time with statewide media outlets
  7. Use or create interactive presentations and programs
  8. Create annual reports, newsletters and other publications
  9. National Involvement
  10. Multilingual
  12. Proposing agency shall be able to compile strategic communication plans both in a global (department-wide) standpoint and from a grass roots or individual program standpoint.
  13. This will include, but is not limited to, identification of publics, identification of key messages for those publics and identification of tactics to deliver those messages.
  14. The development of these plans could require travel to various parts of the state where individual projects are taking place.
  15. Proposing agency shall create a strategic communication plan within a minimum of three (3) months.


  1. Proposing agency shall demonstrate a full understanding of public relations (PR) management and have experience in implementing PR tactics, such as:
  2. The ability to generate local and national public interest in a variety of advocacy or transportation-related safety topics without using paid advertising.
  3. The ability to use grassroots tactics to generate public and media interest in transportation safety.
  4. Proposing agency shall provide the staff to organize and manage large events.
  5. Proposing agency shall create outreach material and distribute material for each of the SNAP programs:
  6. Walk More in Four
  7. Top Walking & Biking Schools

 Spring Walk ‘n Win:

  1. Proposing agency shall work with elementary and middle schools throughout Utah to help provide them information on SNAP programs and the SNAP mapping software.
  2. Proposing agency shall work with UDOT Regions to provide information about SNAP programs and software.
  3. Proposing agency shall work closely with the Move Utah Program and TravelWise.


  1. Proposing agency shall have ability to:
  2. Perform Web page(s) design.
  3. Perform Web page(s) graphics creation.

 Code and test the web page(s) and web application.

  1. Perform a code review and modification of web page(s) and web application.
  2. provide mapping software for SNAP maps
  3. provide walking school bus app and maintenance and updates for the app
  4. Proposing agency shall create and manage an interactive website within a minimum of two (2) months.
  5. Proposing agency shall work closely with UDOT GIS group.


  1. Proposing agencies shall have experience in creating color logos and graphics to communicate and reflect strategic messaging. Audiences will be both internal and external.
  2. Agency shall demonstrate experience and provide samples of past graphic element creation work relating to transportation safety.
  3. Proposing agency shall create graphic elements within a minimum of two (2) weeks.


  1. Potential broadcast media ads would be anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds long.
  2. Potential topics include highway safety advocacy.
  3. Proposing agency shall be able to create strategic advertising in a variety of formats, including online, within transportation safety.
  4. Proposing agency shall be able to create radio, print, and online ads.


  1. Presentations must be in the form of PowerPoint or Keynotes.
  2. Potential presentations would cover a variety of transportation safety-related topics.
  3. Presentations would be as short as 5 minutes and as long as 60.
  4. Presentations would be for a variety of internal and external audiences.
  5. Proposing agency shall be able to create interactive presentations within a minimum of two (2) weeks.
  6. Proposing agency shall be able to present interactive presentations to various large and small audiences.
  7. Proposing agency shall be able to write, edit, compose and choreograph, the SNAP Walk ‘N Roll school assembly.
  8. Proposing agency shall provide the staff ability, talent, technical ability, and equipment to perform the SNAP Walk ‘N Roll assembly to over 80 elementary schools in Utah.


  1. Proposing agency shall be able to take complicated transportation safety-related documents and produce easy to read, visual and creative publications to be used to communicate with external audiences.
  2. Proposing agency shall create and supply UDOT with annual reports, newsletters, lesson plans, reference guides, and publications within a minimum of two (2) months.


  1. Proposing agency shall be aware of national road safety programs and other state safety programs.
  2. Proposing agency shall share, learn, and grow from other state safety programs.


  1. Proposing agency shall have the ability to produce any of the printed items in various languages that match community context.

Due Date:

March 19th, 2018.


Attn: Mark Parry


UDOT Procurement 2nd Floor

Box 148260

4501 South 2700 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84114-8260

Travel PR firms include 5WPR and Coyne PR.

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