Vacaville Downtown Business Improvement District Seeks Marketing Firm

DVBID seeks to acquire the services of a qualified marketing firm to help develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. DVBID invites proposals from interested marketing agencies with experience in brand development and management; marketing; social media strategy, implementation, and management; website design and development; and market research.


The DVBID was originally formed in 1999 (named the Downtown Vacaville Business Association) and in 2000 the Downtown Vacaville Business Association transitioned from a 70‐member voluntary association to a 350‐member Business Improvement District. In 1980, the National Trust for Historic Preservation created the National Main Street Center to encourage revitalization in downtown areas that had become victims of urban sprawl. DVBID follows the Main Street Approach to downtown redevelopment, an approach which marries historic preservation and economic development using four key areas: Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Restructuring.

The corporation is governed by a 15‐member Board of Directors, which are elected by the BID membership. The funding for the organization comes from events and revenues generated by a fee paid by businesses within the BID boundary, and associate member business that reside outside of the BID boundary. The City of Vacaville also contributes substantially both financial and in‐kind contributions.

In 2016, the Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District embarked on a long‐range strategic work plan. Some of the key components of the work plan include:

1. Position itself to become more focused on issue‐based advocacy and programs that benefit all stakeholders in downtown Vacaville.
2. Create and maintain memorable downtown experiences
3. Promote a safe, clean, attractive and inviting downtown
4. Create a comprehensive marketing strategy for downtown, including changing the name of the organization as Business Improvement District has no meaning to a potential business or customer.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work will include the following:

• Serve as DVBID’s expert advisor for the development and implementation of marketing strategies for its primary mission of increasing traffic in Downtown Vacaville
• Develop a marketing plan focused on achieving DVBID’s Marketing Goals
• Conduct market research to identify target demographic segments with the highest potential to reaching DVBID’s goals
• Provide a written media guide for outlets that best use our marketing dollars and reach target demographics
• Provide next steps to expand marketing efforts as DVBID’s marketing budget increases
• Making recommendations on brand advancement

Due Date:

October 30, 2017


Finn Partners could serve as a good potential partner for this.

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