Washington Apple Commission  Seeking Consumer Research Agency

The Washington Apple Commission (WAC) is soliciting proposals to conduct consumer research and evaluations in the following cities and countries:

China – Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu Colombia – Bogota

Peru – Lima

Indonesia – Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bali and Sulawesi United Arab Emirates – Dubai Vietnam – Ho Chi Min City, Hanoi, DaNang and Can Tho

The field research portion of the project should be completed no later than April 30, 2018, with written reports available as of June 30, 2018.


The Washington Apple Commission conducts promotional programs in international markets to increase consumption of fresh Washington apples. This research seeks to understand the consumer awareness/behavior, knowledge of and perceptions toward Washington apples and how they fit into consumer’s lifestyles, as well as usage practices, likes and dislikes and consumption and purchase patterns. This information will be used to fine tune Commission marketing activities to ensure the most effective messages and activities are used to reach target consumers in each of the markets measured.

Scope of Work:

  1. The following outlines some of the areas of investigation that may be included in these studies:
  2. Purchase intent (likelihood to buy apples)
  3. Frequency of purchase
  4. Reasons for purchase/non-purchase
  5. Attitudinal and behavioral data in terms of:
  • Likes/dislikes
  • Purchasing patterns
  • Usage characteristics
  • Purchase frequency
  • Type(s) of outlet(s) where apples are purchased
  • Amount of money spent on groceries per week/month and how apples fit in
  • Number of times food shopping takes place per week/month
  1. Awareness of different countries/areas that produce apples
  2. Awareness of Washington/USA as an apple-producing region
  3. Perception of apples from Washington/USA
  4. Usage
  5. Awareness of any apple advertising/publicity
  • Source of advertising/publicity awareness (unaided and aided)
  • Recall of advertising/publicity message
  • Awareness of WAC logo/symbols
  • Awareness of promotional/POS material
  • In Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, specific questions regarding the impact of the Mother’s Love campaign on target consumer attitudes and purchase behavior should be measured.
  1. Awareness of scientific research (health research)
  2. Seasonality of primary apple purchases
  • Versatility
  • Size
  • Nutritional value
  • Quality
  • Health perceptions
  • Taste
  • etc.
  1. Health perceptions of apples in general
  • How valuable are apples in a healthy lifestyle
  • Health perceptions compared to other products
  • Specific health benefits associated with apples
  1. Economic profile
  2. Effect current economic conditions are having on food purchases
  3. Effect current economic conditions are having on apples
  4. Behavioral changes due to the current economic environment
  5. Demographic/psychographic profile
  6. Social Media Use
  7. Preferred source of information for purchase decisions

Due Date:

January 29



Ketchum PR and Edelman are strong consumer PR firms.

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