Washington State Issues Marketing RFP

Washington State Issues Marketing RFP

The Washington State Employment Security Department, hereafter called “Department,” or “ESD”, is implementing the state’s Paid Family & Medical Leave legislation. Starting in 2020, Washington will be the fifth state in the nation to offer paid family and medical leave benefits to workers. The program will be funded by premiums paid by both employees and many employers and will be administered by ESD. This insurance program will allow workers to take up to 12 weeks, as needed, when they welcome a new child into their family, are struck by a serious illness or injury, need to take care of an ill or ailing relative, and for certain military connected events. If workers experience multiple events in a year, they may be eligible to receive up to 16 weeks, or up to 18 weeks if the employee experiences a serious health condition with a pregnancy that results in incapacity.


The Washington State Employment Security Department, hereafter called “Department,” or “ESD”, is implementing the state’s Paid Family & Medical Leave legislation. Starting in 2020, Washington will be the fifth state in the nation to offer paid family and medical leave benefits to workers. The program will be funded by premiums paid by both employees and many employers and will be administered by ESD. This insurance program will allow workers to take up to 12 weeks, as needed, when they welcome a new child into their family, are struck by a serious illness or injury, need to take care of an ill or ailing relative, and for certain military connected events. If workers experience multiple events in a year, they may be eligible to receive up to 16 weeks, or up to 18 weeks if the employee experiences a serious health condition with a pregnancy that results in incapacity.

Scope of Work:

The Department requires a firm to provide immediate on demand access to the services of a full-service advertising and/or Public Relations firm to handle the creative design and production of all types of traditional and electronic marketing and advertising materials and the placement of these materials in the most relevant, cost-effective media to reach the intended audiences. The contract will be on an as-needed basis when funding for this type of outreach is available. This firm should have expert in-house resources and/or reliable subcontractor relationships for all campaign planning and management, message/creative development, research and media purchasing.

The objectives of this contract are to:

  • Survey and benchmark Washingtonians’ general awareness to both employers and employees, of the benefits available through the program;
  • Develop a product logo and program brand identity; and
  • Create and launch a statewide outreach campaign.

In support of the Department’s communications work, the Department seeks a qualified firm capable of providing the following services including, but not limited to:

  • Statewide brand and program awareness surveys
  • Ongoing focus groups, surveys and/or other customer research as needed
  • News media outreach and public relations graphic design
  • Create public outreach program campaigns
  • Purchased and social media planning and placement

All Contractors: For each project assigned under this contract, the CONTRACTOR may

  1. A) Meet with the department to discuss scope of each project deliverable as defined by the department.
  2. B) Advise the department on the most effective way to reach and message target audiences via mediums including but not limited to: television, radio, print, web, transit advertising, billboards, and social media.
  3. C) Work collaboratively with the department to develop paid family and medical leave concepts materials, and strategies.
  4. D) Alert the department to any problems that might lead to dissatisfaction.
  5. E) Keep the assigned department communications contact continually informed and updated on each project.
  6. F) Provide electronic files of materials developed for the department at no additional charge. This may include native, raw, or print-ready files.
  7. G) Provide an end of project report, prior to final project billing. Contents of final report will be determined at the start of each project, but will include evaluation of effectiveness of project, lessons learned and suggestions for improvement.

Statewide Brand and Program Awareness Survey:

  1. A) Develop survey questions to benchmark public awareness and understanding of paid family   and medical leave prior to Jan. 1, 2019 premium implementation.
  2. B) Secure survey participants and provide honorariums to participants, if required.
  3. C) Conduct statewide survey.
  4. D) Analyze survey results and produce findings report.
  5. E) Provide all raw survey data to the Department.

News Media Outreach and Public Relations:

  1. A) Implement concepts, including but not limited to, writing, localizing, distributing and following up with the media on news releases to encourage coverage in Washington State.
  2. B) Train, coach and mentor on news media relations at the direction of the department.
  3. C) Encourage TV and radio stations to air Public Service Announcements within limits set by the department.
  4. D) Arrange press events for statewide initiatives.

Graphic Design:

  1. A) Develop a product logo for the Paid Family and Medical Leave program.
  2. B) Provide graphic design and layout services for communications projects identified by the department with output for, but not limited to, print (e.g., posters, brochures, roadside billboards, gas pump toppers, vehicle wraps), Web and broadcast television.
  3. C) Implement updates and revisions to draft files as requested and provide revised files as required for review by the department.
  4. D) Ensure output is in the format(s), and meets specifications, required by third parties (e.g., professional printers, television stations, Web sites) and/or the Department.
  5. E) Advise the department on effective design for communicating the Department’s messages and for measuring the effectiveness of the messages.
  6. F) Identify and supply appropriate royalty-free photography and illustration files as components of design and layout product. If the photography and/or illustrations are for use only by the department and no other clients of the contractor, the department will consider purchasing royalty-free photography and illustrations. The contractor must obtain prior approval from the department before making a purchase and must guarantee the photography and/or illustrations will be used only for the Department and no other clients.
  7. G) For printed materials, represent the Department at press checks.
  8. H) Upon request, provide multiple design options for the Department.
  9. I) Function as the liaison with printers, television stations, web sites and other service providers on behalf of the Department.
  10. J) Provide copywriting services.

Create Public Outreach Campaigns:

  1. A) Produce public service announcements in English, Spanish and other languages under the direction of the Department for use in media including, but not limited to: television, radio, digital, and print.
  2. B) Produce materials containing closed captioning and/or subtitles in English and Spanish.
  3. C) Using the Department’s release form, obtain signatures from talent volunteers and deliver signed forms to the Department.
  4. D) Advise the Department of legal obligations and fulfillment of those obligations pertaining to audio and video production.
  5. E) Identify and supply appropriate royalty-free photography and illustration files as components of production. If the photography and/or illustrations are for use only by the Department and no     other clients of the Contractor, the Department will consider purchasing royalty-free photography and illustrations. The Contractor must obtain prior approval from the Department before making a purchase and must guarantee the photography and/or illustrations will be used only for the Department and no other clients.
  6. F) Provide closed captioning and/or subtitle services in English and Spanish.

Due Date:

June 14th


Lori Pierce

P.O. Box 9046

Olympia, WA 98507-9046

Firms that could be a fit for this assignment include Finn Partners or Ruder Finn.

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