What is Working in Public Relations Like?

Public Relations

Do you like diversity in the tasks you do every day? Do you enjoy high energy work and talking with a lot of people? Do you enjoy writing positive stories and pitching good ideas on behalf of your clients? If so, PR work may be a great fit for you. Of course, just how much you get to do of any of these things will also depend on your job within a firm and the level you’ve attained. Most of us don’t get to walk into our ideal job as soon as we start in the working world, PR is no different. But working in a PR firm is not just about press releases and rubbing elbows with journalists and writers. Here are some of the other things that PR firms do for their clients.

Event planning and organization…

If your client wants to get their name out there and have it attached to positive work, then events can be a great way to go. These may include fund-raising events for a good cause that is closely tied to the client’s company or their target customer base. Or an event may be focused on presenting a new product or service offered by the client. If they are expanding, it might be a grand opening of a new location. No matter what the event is about, as a PR professional you will be involved in getting the word out, including inviting customers and the media. It will also mean organizing the event and any presentations, and making sure all those who attend walk away with something to remind them about your client and their service.


Your calendar will need to always be current. Some of your clients may release new products to coincide with other events or holidays. If your client is a high-end costume designer, then Mardi Gras, Halloween, or period movie opening may be the focused periods for their products. Scheduling time in advance of any big releases will be needed as well as staffing and other resources.

Being the front man…

Once you have enough experience in the PR world, you will start to be more of a representative for your clients. You will write or make speeches, handle any adverse publicity, and also make sure the client has a better understanding of how to effectively work with the public and the media. Working in a PR firm can be a diverse and exciting experience. It can also sometimes require very long days and smiling when you’d really like to bite into someone. If you love the idea of it and know what is required once you have the job, then it is time to do the work to make yourself ready to be hired. Good luck in your efforts and make sure you have plenty of fun along the way.

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