World Bank Group India Seeks Marketing Agency

The World Bank Issues Marketing RFP

The World Bank Issues Marketing RFP


To build a sustainable marketing campaign targeted at increasing awareness of quality verified solar lighting products and their availability, through a mix of ATL and BTL activities, as well as the use of digital media. The B2B and B2C elements will involve greater outreach to underserved communities through a van campaign. The campaign messaging should be positive and aspirational, and should focus on: (i) helping consumers understand quality solar lighting, (ii) where to access the products (markets/retailers/distributors) and (iii) availability of consumer finance options to support purchase.


India faces challenges providing access to energy to its large, dispersed population. It is estimated that around41 million households remain un-electrified; many of rural households connected to the electric grid are provided with unreliable services only. In recent years, alternative solutions have become prevalent among households, in particular the use of solar products as well as the use of battery operated lights for use in homes as well as at market stalls.

Lighting Global is the World Bank Groups platform to support sustainable growth of the international off-grid solar market as a means of rapidly increasing energy access to the 1.2 billion people without grid electricity. As part of this effort, Lighting Asia/India is an IFC program aimed at increasing access to clean, affordable energy in rural India by promoting modern off-grid lighting products (lanterns and home systems) and efficient DC appliances. The program supports market development by working with private companies to lower first-mover risk and mobilize private sector investment through market intelligence, quality assurance, business support services and consumer education. The first phase of the program ended in June 2016.

The second phase of the Lighting Asia/India program started in October 2016 and will run through to the end of 2019. The core of the program will continue to be structured around delivering market building activities, including a dedicated consumer awareness campaign, building on a previous campaign carried out in the first phase of the program. The campaign will cover select districts in Uttar Pradesj, Rajasthan, Bihar, and Odisha. A lighter touch campaign might be carried out in Assam. The campaign will incorporate Business to Consumer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B ) and general PR elements. The main target audience are rural households (B2C), retailers and distributors (B2B ) connected to the rural markets and to a lesser extent, the general public including influencers in urban areas (PR).

Scope of Work:

To build a sustainable marketing campaign targeted at increasing awareness of quality verified solar lighting products and their availability, through a mix of ATL and BTL activities, as well as the use of digital media. The B2B and B2C elements will involve greater outreach to underserved communities through a van campaign. The campaign messaging should be positive and aspirational, and should focus on: (i) helping consumers understand quality solar lighting, (ii) where to access the products (markets/retailers/distributors) and (iii) availability of consumer finance options to support purchase

  1. A) ATL (Above the line) activities
  2. Radio – A mix of informational and directional radio advertisements (it could be through normal AM/FM channels or Community Radios with focus on reach vs. cost options)
  3. Inform about the campaign, the campaign brand, and quality products through radio spots
  4. Direct people towards campaign activities. It is intended to drive people to the events and to distribution points. Will need to consider the effectiveness of directional marketing depending on how dispersed the BTL activities are.
  5. Regional media Advertisement: Quality solar information to reinforce the campaign message (will require clear messaging on what is a quality solar product), inserts: potential inserts into newspapers.

(Both of the above should be directed at the trade also to generate enquiries from retailers/distributors)

  1. B) BTL (Below the line) activities
  2. Conceptualisation and development of campaign strategy building on the campaign carried out in the previous phase. The concept should include though not limited to innovative ideas like use of VR or other, that can be incorporated into the van campaign.
  3. Roadshows a set of activities around the van campaign designed both for larger block head quarter level towns and villages targeting various segments of consumers-men, women, children, as well as trade, with special focus on market days/Haats in these locations.
  4. Evening shows including the demonstration of solar products at dawn/ dark.
  5. Wall paintings and tin posters
  6. Outreach through schools and women self-help groups

C )Digital media

  1. Planning and execution of an entire separate off-shoot of the campaign on digital media and including though not restricting to creation of content that is easy to share via social media
  2. Push and pull SMS
  3. Establishing and managing of call center operations including a toll free number
  4. Other channels as applicable

D) PR activities could include:

  1. Events
  2. Press releases
  3. Photo features and opportunities for journalists to accompany the campaign
  4. Audio Visual means like short films
  5. Other as applicable

Due Date:

October 20


The World bank
1850 “I” St, NW
Procurement Unit, Room I2-023
Washington, DC 20433

PR firms with experience in India include Weber Shandwick and Ketchum PR.

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