Yukon Housing Corporation Seeks Marketing Strategy Development 

Yukon Housing Corporation requires a marketing strategy that reflects government priorities and the strategic direction of Yukon Housing Corporation to create diverse housing solutions that contribute to health, vibrant, sustainable, inclusive communities. Deliverables include templates for printed and online materials as well as approaches that will effectively increase awareness and uptake of YHC programs.


  • Yukon Housing Corporation delivers programs and activities that address the housing needs of Yukon residents in accordance with government legislation and in alignment with the objective and priorities established by the Government of Yukon.
  • These programs include social housing, staff housing, lending programs, housing grants, building science education and public awareness campaigns.
  • This marketing strategy will identify audiences for YHC programs, align YHC advertising, communications and public outreach with the new YHC strategic plan, and create a consistent and attractive look and feel for YHC marketing materials.
  • YHC is currently developing a strategic plan that will identify a new vision, mission, mandate, goals and objectives. This is an opportunity to align the marketing strategy with the corporation’s new direction. The new strategic plan will be provided to the contractor after the contract is in place, as this document is being finalized and not yet available publicly.
  • Advertising, client materials, and online presence of Yukon Housing Corporation must align with Yukon government visual standards, visual identity, style guide, and French language guidelines.
  • Yukon Housing Corporation has set aside a budget of $60,000 during the 2017/18 fiscal year to complete this Marketing Strategy.

Scope of Work:

  • Identify key target audiences for Yukon Housing Corporation.
  • Design strategies to promote YHC programs to those audiences.
  • Create an implementation plan as part of the marketing strategy.
  • Develop a communications calendar.
  • Create building blocks for future online and print advertising materials.
  • Identify opportunities for future client communication and develop appropriate resources.

Due Date:

January 9th, 2017


Yukon Housing Corporation

410 Jarvis Street Whitehorse,

Yukon Y1A 2H5

Strong agencies to consider for this assignment could be Finn Partners or Ruder Finn.


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