10 LinkedIn Groups for PR, and Why We Love Them

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LinkedIn is a great place to meet fellow professionals, exchange ideas, get tips, discover relevant articles and trends, find jobs and join interesting discussions. Public relations is a well represented field on LinkedIn, with many professionals in the network and some really active groups. Here are 10 of our favorite LinkedIn groups for PR pros.

  1. Innovative Marketing, PR, Sales, Word-of-Mouth & Buzz Innovators by Gerald Haman – as far as I see, this is the largest PR professionals group on LinkedIn with over 205 k members. Since there are so many members, the topics covered are very wide. You’ll see recommendations for free ebooks and interesting articles, as well as discussions on various subjects on marketing/PR and all of the topics included in the group’s name.
  2. Public Relations and Communications Professionals – over 106k members. Started in April 2008, this group brings together specialists from various PR fields. They share interesting content and exchange opinions.
  3. PR professionals has over 40k members. The group has an intense activity as well, with articles, survey invitations, opinions shared and more. You should definitely check it out.
  4. Public Relations Professionals – over 34k members. If you are looking for a group where members share a lot of content, this might be the right place for you. Articles recommended daily, discussions and experience sharing – this is what you’ll find here.
  5. Sports Marketing and PR Pros – with over 19k members, this group is a definitely “must join” for PR pros interested in sports marketing and PR.
  6. Network of PR Professionals has over 21k members and is an open LinkedIn group dedicated to discussing the theory and practice of PR.
  7. PR Daily has over 17k members discussing public relations. The group also features news from PR Daily website.
  8. CIPR – Chartered Institute of Public Relations has over 14.6k members sharing the same passion for PR. You’ll find here interesting articles as well as CIPR recommendations.
  9. PR News Group has over 13k members and is in fact the first PR group in the list I didn’t join (at least until now). The group enables professionals to connect and exchange ideas and knowledge, as well as providing them with the latest news in the industry from PR News.
  10. Marketing Profs is a smaller group, of only a little over 8.1k member, but a recommended group as it offers access to interesting articles recommended by other members. It is an open group so you can join at any time.

Another separated recommendation is PRSA general group – Public Relations Society of America (PRSA National) which has over 9k members on LinkedIn, while the association has over 3k members.

What other PR groups on LinkedIn are you recommending public relations professionals to join?

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