Proposal Due Date: May 20, 2024

The Economic Development Department has assigned a Procurement Manager who is responsible

for the conduct of this procurement whose name, address, telephone number and e-mail address

are listed below:

Name: Danielle Maestas, Procurement Manager

Telephone: (505) 469-4558




1. Scope of Work.

The Contractor shall perform the following work:


The Economic Development Department hires on-call professional Contractors for the New Mexico

MainStreet Program (NMMS) to fulfill its responsibilities for delivery of services and trainings in

asset-based community economic development to its partner Programs and Project Based Initiative clients. The requirement of NMMS to provide resources, services and trainings as proscribed by Main Street America and National Main Street Center, Inc. (NMSC) are derived from the New Mexico MainStreet Act (1984), through the Department’s licensing and accrediting agreements with NMSC and through the goals, policies and protocols established by the Economic Development Department.

Contract services are provided based on the professional needs identified in a NMMS Service

Request Form submitted from local Programs or Initiatives to the Department. Consideration of

local requests are tied to the local stakeholders’ annual implementation plan. Contractors are

assigned to work with the local Program or Initiative partner to provide training and workshops to

strengthen, transfer knowledge, skills, and the delivery of professional expertise to local leaders

and task groups. All the Programs and Initiatives under the NMMS umbrella include capacity

building for local leaders to assist the Program or Initiative in the implementation of projects,

events, activities, and programs of the local stakeholder group.

New Mexico MainStreet is an umbrella program administering, managing, and orchestrating

resources, services, and trainings to partner community-based economic development

organizations focused on traditional and/or historic commercial districts. These programs include

MainStreet organizations representing stakeholders within the designated commercial district by

New Mexico MainStreet (created by state statute in 1984), New Mexico Arts & Cultural Districts

(created by state statute in 2007), and New Mexico MainStreet Project-Based Initiative programs

which include Frontier and Rural Communities Initiative (amended to the 1984 MainStreet Act in

2013), Native American Communities Initiative, Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridors,

New Mexico Historic Theaters Initiative, and other programs as assigned by the Department (see

each Program or Initiative background information below).

The Programs and Initiatives administered by New Mexico MainStreet are accomplished locally

through public-private partnerships. Local stakeholders collaborate with their primary local

governing body (Municipality, County, Tribal Government, Land Grant) and New Mexico

MainStreet (representing the state) to establish a common vision, goals, and work plans.

New Mexico MainStreet is committed to positive economic transformation within a Program or

Initiatives’ service area that results in property redevelopment, business revitalization and a vibrant

quality of life for residents and visitors. NMMS has adopted three “Economic Transformation

Strategies” which Staff and Revitalization Specialists use to guide their statewide work to meet

these objectives.

1. Build Capacity for Local Economic Revitalization and Re-development Efforts

Develop local leadership and capacity to implement projects and initiatives that

accelerate community appropriate economic growth and revitalization through the Main

Street Approach™.

2. Enhance the Entrepreneurial and Creative Economy

Building on the existing commercial base, arts, culture, advanced technology and

creative assets in New Mexico MainStreet communities, strive to strengthen and

support entrepreneurial and creative endeavors through assessment, education,

planning, and collaboration.

3. Create Thriving Places in New Mexico

Develop strategies, tools and techniques and implement them with local partners to

transform our downtowns, squares and villages into community assets where their

greatest economic potential and realization can occur. This includes great public

spaces, buildings, streets and pedestrian areas, increasing economic viability through

revitalization resulting in places to live and work that enhance people’s health,

happiness, and well-being.

New Mexico MainStreet Program delivery is holistic using an inter-disciplinary approach to asset based community economic development and revitalization that contributes to the vitality and vibrancy of the local economy. Successful revitalization requires a comprehensive approach that

includes organizational development, promotion and marketing, economic development, business

development, financial development, creative economy, urban design, landscape architecture,

historic preservation, and architectural design. NMMS provides services through its Staff and

Contractors, to develop capacity assisting local affiliates to successfully implement projects and


B. Brief Synopsis of Programs and Initiatives:

New Mexico MainStreet Program

New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) is a designated “Main Street America” State Coordinating

Program. Main Street America (MSA) is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center,

Inc., a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. NMMS is a program of the New

Mexico Economic Development Department that is licensed and accredited annually to administer

the MSA/NMSC’s Main Street Approach™ to downtown revitalization. It does this through the

development of “Economic Transformation Strategies” that are implemented through

comprehensive work in four broad areas known as the Four Points: Economic Vitality, Design,

Promotion, and Organization. There are currently 45 other licensed and accredited Coordinating

Main Street programs nationally.

The New Mexico MainStreet Program was created by state statute in 1984. All local affiliates must

forge a public-private partnership for the revitalization of a historic and traditional commercial

neighborhood, plaza, town center or downtown. NMMS assists the local stakeholder group in

creating a non-profit community economic development organization to work in partnership with

its local governing body, raise funds for full-time staff and implement the Main Street

Approach™. NMMS, in consideration of financial resources established annually through the New

Mexico State Legislature, provides resources and ongoing technical assistance in the Four Points

to designated MainStreet communities (inclusive of the local government partner, local MainStreet

organization, and businesses/property owners within the MainStreet district).

New Mexico Arts & Cultural Districts

New Mexico is one of the first states to adopt a state Arts & Cultural Districts (ACD) program in

2007. With its diverse and rich cultural and arts traditions, New Mexico is a solid fit in utilizing

cultural and creative economy strategies to enhance local economies.

The Arts & Cultural Districts state statute provides a framework for the “State-Authorization” or “Self-Designation” of such districts. State-Authorized Arts & Cultural District designations are attached to a local MainStreet organization designated by New Mexico MainStreet as an Accredited or Affiliate Main Street America program. Operating under the local MainStreet organization’s structure Arts & Cultural Districts are administered by an ACD Coordinating Council that is responsible for developing and implementing Creative Economy projects and activities in the Arts & Cultural District.

The ACD Coordinating Council is comprised of Arts, Cultural, Historic Preservation, and

Revitalization organizations and institutions dedicating resources to the growth of the cultural or

creative economy within the ACD District. The ACD Coordinating Council develops

comprehensive strategies to meet its goals, Cultural Planning and Development, Physical Planning

and Development, Capacity and Sustainability, and Branding and Marketing.

The New Mexico MainStreet Director is also the ACD State Coordinator responsible for

implementing the program and providing resources and technical assistance, however, local Arts &

Cultural Districts are State Authorized through the New Mexico Arts Commission in the

Department of Cultural Affairs. A State Council for the ACD program is comprised of the New

Mexico MainStreet Director (EDD), the Director of New Mexico Arts Division (DCA), the

Historic Preservation Division (DCA) and the Tourism Department.

Frontier and Rural Communities Initiative (FRCI): The MainStreet Act was amended in 2013 by

the State Legislature to establish the Frontier Communities Initiative administered by NMMS to

provide project-based community economic development support for rural communities. The

FRCI supports communities under 50,000 in population. The 12 to 18-month affiliation with

NMMS through the Initiative focuses on one economic development project within a traditional or

historic village or town center. The FCI is not open to communities that already have a MainStreet

or Arts & Cultural District Program. The program focuses not only on the proposed project, but it

also seeks to renew and build leadership in community economic development. It requires a group

of stakeholders working in partnership with a local governing body, however, it does not require a

non-profit board and paid staff as does participation in the MainStreet Program.

Native American Communities Initiative (NACI): Building off the success of the Frontier/Rural

Communities Initiative, the NACI was created in 2019 to provide specific project-based

community economic development support to New Mexico’s indigenous communities where the

preservation of tribal culture and political sovereignty create different challenges and opportunities

than working in rural economic development in general. The 12 to 24-month affiliation with

NMMS through the Initiative focuses on one economic development project within a pueblo,

reservation, or village or town center. The NACI is not open to communities that already have a

MainStreet or Arts & Cultural District Program. Like the FRCI, NACI focuses not only on the

proposed project, but it also seeks to renew and build leadership in community economic

development. It requires a group of stakeholders working in partnership with a tribal governing

body, however, it does not require a non-profit board and paid staff as does participation in the

MainStreet Program.

Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridors Initiative (UNCCI): The UNCC Initiative is a new

pilot program of the New Mexico Economic Development Department’s MainStreet program

aimed at providing project-based community economic development support to urban

neighborhood commercial corridors located in cities with more than 50,000 in population that may

currently not have the capacity or resources to start or operate a full-fledged MainStreet Program.

Like the FNAC and NACI Initiatives, the UNCC requires a group of stakeholders working in

partnership with a local governing body. Selected communities receive NMMS professional

services and technical assistance to implement and complete a community economic development project within 12 to18 months.

Historic Theaters Initiative

The New Mexico Historic Theaters Initiative is part of an ongoing statewide effort led by the

Economic Development Department and New Mexico MainStreet that provides resources and

technical assistance to support and rehabilitate historic theaters, install new digital projection and

sound equipment, and improve theater performance. Established by the Department in 2010, the

original goal was to prevent the states historic movie houses from going dark. With the national

film industry moving from film to digital media, many communities could not afford the expensive

equipment required to show digital movies. Capital Outlay funding has been awarded to qualifying

historic theaters to support the rehabilitation costs of the fixed assets of these publicly owned

cultural facilities. To date, the Department has supported nine of these renovations financially.

More information on each of these programs can be found on the web site, Policies and guidelines for each program can be found under “Resources”

on that web site.

NMMS requires a single dedicated contractor to serve as the Revitalization Specialist that

will work with the State MainStreet Coordinating program and deliver onsite and remote

technical assistance to designated local MainStreet programs, projects, and initiatives.

C. Contractor Qualifications/Services to be Provided:

Promotion within the context of the Main Street Approach™ positions the downtown or

commercial district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a

positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics. The Graphic Design and

Marketing Revitalization Specialist contractor may be assigned to provide the following

services when a Service Request is filed by a designated organization with the Economic

Development Department’s New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) Program:


a) Organization or Business Logo

b) Event Logo and Design

c) Organizational Image – letterhead, business cards, award and event programs, award

design, Etc.

d) Signage, Brochures, Flyers, Posters


a) Existing Site Review and Recommendations

b) Web Site Set-Up/Design

c) Social Media Set-Up (Facebook, Blog, twitter and list serve accounts)


a) “Way Finding” Design (with NMMS Urban Design and Landscape Architect)

b) Interpretive markers and signs

c) Appropriate commercial, retail, district design and advertising


a) Regional Market Surveys and Demand Surveys

b) District Marketing/Design Plan (with NMMS Promotions contractor)

c) Target Market Strategy

5) STATE COORDINATING PROGRAM SUPPORT (NMMS): Contractor will collaborate

with NMMS staff and Revitalization Specialists to plan, coordinate, schedule, and publicize

program activities. This includes:

a) Team meetings, planning sessions, conferences, and institutes

b) Providing content for publications, workshops, and website content

c) Other state program duties as assigned by the NMMS Director

d) File in-field service reports with outcomes from site visits

e) Work with NMMS staff/Communications & Promotions Specialist to maintain NMMS

external websites.


a) Maintain a network of partnerships and collaborations that assist the work of New Mexico

MainStreet and its local affiliates.

b) Additional networks and partnerships may include but are not limited to:

i) Council of Governments

ii) Statewide non-profit support organizations.

iii) Statewide Foundations and granting agencies supporting non-profit capacity building,

leadership and operations

iv) National Foundations and granting agencies supporting non-profit capacity building,

leadership development and operations.

D. General Requirements of Contractor:

1) Demonstrated ability to work in the diverse communities of New Mexico.

2) Contractor will exercise considerable independent judgement, discretion and decision

making. Work is performed independent of Agency day-to-day supervision.

3) Must be available for extensive, regular statewide travel throughout the year, including

overnight and weekend travel, to deliver on-site services and trainings. Contractor must

provide vehicle for travel to on-site work in communities. Average annual mileage is

estimated at between 15,000 and 20,000 miles.

4) Must be available to schedule and fulfill Program or Initiative Service Requests to the

community within an appropriate timeframe.

5) Must have his or her own work office with complete electronic equipment, software and

phone. Contractor must have email and phone connectivity while on required statewide

travel. All resources necessary for the satisfactory implementation of the services requested

by affiliates are the responsibility of the Contractor with the concurrence of the


6) The contract awarded will be inclusive of all expenses including, but not limited to, office

supplies, printing, office equipment, communications equipment, training expenses and

travel. Contract is inclusive of all applicable state and federal taxes.

7) The Contractor shall not subcontract any portion of the services to be performed under this

Agreement without the prior written approval of the NMMS Director.

8) The Contractor is responsible for working with the state’s Historic Preservation Division of

the Department of Cultural Affairs from the beginning of a project, to ensure all design,

planning, permitting, licensing and construction conform to appropriate, corresponding

state and federal statutes guiding historic and cultural properties and state and nationally

registered historic districts.

9) The Contractor is responsible for working with the state of New Mexico’s Department of

Transportation (NMDOT) from the beginning of a project to ensure all design, engineering,

planning, permitting, licensing and construction conform to federal “Context Sensitive

Design Solutions,” the NMDOT 2040 plan, the “Dark Skies “ and appropriate,

corresponding state and federal statutes and policy.

10) The Contractor is responsible for integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation

practices into their work to limit adverse climate change impacts that harm our natural and

cultural heritage.

11) The Contractor shall disclose any financial interests, partnerships or property ownership

within a project area where the consultant is providing services to a client. The Contractor

will disclose any financial interests, partnerships or property ownership, in a service area

that might personally benefit said consultant. The Department shall determine if there is a

conflict of interest based on the disclosure.

12) The Contractor shall disclose the offer of a hire as a sub-contractor for a third party

contract to do work within an NMMS Program or Initiative. The Department shall

determine if there is a conflict of interest based on the disclosure.

13) The Contractor, as requested to the Department by the local Program or Initiative, may be

assigned to support the client to build local capacity to develop an advocacy role for its

projects. However, the Contractor may not contract with any entity, public or private,

governmental non-profit or private business or property owner to represent or advocate for

the interests and/or advocate on behalf of any entity to secure finance or support for that


E. Deliverables:

1) Submit a Technical Assistance Service Report to NMMS within 48 hours of a MainStreet

consult, service or technical assistance visit via New Mexico Economic Development

Department’s (NMEDD) web-based “Salesforce” project management software. The report

is integrated into a weekly report to the Department on MainStreet’s activities in the field.

2) Submit regular invoicing (recommended twice a month) with technical assistance, services

and activities on the form provided by the Economic Development Department.

3) Submit a comprehensive report upon completion of a project, program or activity

including, when appropriate, graphs, illustrations, conceptual design work, planning

documents, photographs and other graphic elements.

4) Provide workshop evaluation materials to participants and ensure they are returned to New

Mexico MainStreet office.

5) Upload presentation training materials to the NMMS web site.

6) As appropriate, draft and assemble assessment, documentation, research and

recommendation reports.

7) As appropriate, based on the project, work collaboratively with NMMS staff and other


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