PR News Launches Crisis Management Guidebook

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Crisis Management Guidebook Launched By PR News

The sixth volume of the Crisis Management Guidebook that has just been launched by PR News offers important information on this topic, from research tips to social media tactics developed by top crisis experts. The volume also provides a step-by-step action plan which will help companies best handle the first critical hours of a crisis. The Crisis Management Guidebook includes tips on how to create messages under pressure, crafting a social media action plan and checklists that will help companies prepare for a crisis.

The guidebook covers topics such as media relations, internal communications, reputation management, issues management, digital communications, litigation PR and the crisis plan.

The Crisis Management Guidebook is available at

In companies’ existence crisis may appear. It is how they deal with these situations that makes the difference. Businesses can come back from such an incident with a better image, or they can suffer irremediable damages. There are plenty of examples for both situations from companies of all sizes and in various domains.

One thing is clear though: businesses can better get through such a crisis if they are prepared. Having various scenarios of situations with a potential to generate a crisis and action plans and case studies from leading crisis experts for each scenario can help companies be prepared and handle then as well as possible.

Nowadays social media can help companies rise, or they can lead to a much too soon ending in just a few hours. It is mandatory for businesses from all fields to have a policy prepared that will enable them to get the right messages across different channels as soon as possible. Understanding crises and finding out the best ways to respond in different situations and under time pressure is vital for companies wanting to succeed.

PR News guidebooks on this topic have included contributions from Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, The U.S. Postal Service, Ogilvy, Texas A&M University, and 5WPR.

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