How Social Media Helps Build Healthy Habits

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Social media has redefined almost every aspect of daily life. Users get recommendations on where they should eat lunch, quickly reach out to friends and family with pressing parenting questions, find information about upcoming events, and so forth. However, it is also a great way to make healthy habits stick and learn more about the multiple resources available both locally and nationally. From Pinterest to Facebook, social media is quite helpful in getting and staying healthy.



This social media phenomenon is one of the fastest growing sites. In fact, according to Nielsen’s State of the Media: Social Media Report 2012 Pinterest is still not the most visited social media site, but it has an impressive year-over-year (yoy) change of +1,047% compared to Facebook (the most visited site) which has a yoy change of -4%.

The impressive range of information to be found on this site which is likened to an online pin board makes it a great resource for finding useful information on almost any topic. In terms of health and fitness Pinterest has a category with that same title, as well as a “sports” and “food and drink” category which all offer exercise information, motivational tools to stick with a workout regimen, and loads of healthy recipes.

Naturally one always has to remember that finding health and fitness information on the web requires a bit of personal evaluation of the information being presented and a look into the source where the information is culled from. A healthy diet can be challenging for families with multiple palates to consider, especially those of young children, but the almost endless nutritional recipes found here are sure to offer up some that will work for everyone.

Pinterest is known for its ability to offer up tricks and secrets that are not as easily discovered elsewhere, so healthy eaters looking for seasonal produce guides, insights into which organic foods are most beneficial, proper storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a meal plan guide to stay on track with a nutritional diet can find these helpful healthy hints here. A variety of workouts, often with video links, are also easy to find on Pinterest.

Some are hosted by well-known experts in the industry, and others come endorsed by certain fitness groups. Even those with a steady gym routine or personal trainer will find the stretching guides for any time of day helpful, plus there are several pins on establish lasting healthy habits that will appeal to any level of exercise enthusiast.


Facebook is still the most visited social media site, and due to the large audience many businesses know that their Facebook presence is an important part in the success of their brand. New health products can often be found here, and many offer up samples in exchange for “liking” their company’s page. Look out for other special deals such as discount codes for Facebook followers.

Many people looking to live a healthy life say that the higher price of eating healthy is one of the obstacles. Social media followers are important to a brand as it allows them to reach their customer base in a personal way, so brands typically reward their followers with deals and discounts as a way of retaining them.

Tap into these bargains to make healthy eating more budget-friendly. Also, Facebook is frequently mentioned for knowing their users incredibly well, and their advertising reflects that. A user that typically follows health and fitness brands will have other health and fitness marketing directed at them.

This a great way to discover some unknown brand or service that can really add to a healthy lifestyle. The social connection of Facebook also helps with those looking to be more fitness focused. Facebook users often post what their plans are, check in at different locations, and discuss other daily details. Seeing a posting that a friend is going to the gym or is planning to go for a run later in the day offers an easy way to find a workout buddy simply by using social media.

Social media has impacted modern life extensively, and now it is being seen that it is a big asset for fitness lovers. When has it ever been so simple to find a health food store in a new neighborhood, discover toddler friendly vegan recipes, or learn how busy business travelers stick to their workout routine?

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