PR Students Called to Participate in Video Storytelling Contest with $2,500 Cash Prize

U.S. college students interested in a career in public relations now have the chance to show just what they’ve got. The Council of Public Relations Firms invites students to a video storytelling contest. Participants have the chance to win a $2,500 cash prize, an expense paid trip to New York City for the winning video’s premiere at the Council’s October 23rd member dinner; one-on-one meetings with three Council member firms while in New York, and online visibility on

A video storytelling contest for students considering a career in PR/Marketing

The contest, inspiredly named Take Flight with PR, invites students to finish persuasively and creatively the sentence: “ A Career in PR is an opportunity for me to: _______________.” Everything PR would like to ask you the same thing. We’ve created a poll, using ProProfs poll maker – the most creative answers will be featured in a future post on our site. Don’t forget to leave your name, your school and your class in the answer. To participate in the actual contest for cash, follow the link in the first paragraph of this article.

The video below, created by the Council of PR Firms, aims to captures some of the essence of working at a PR firm. This may serve as example of what is expected from students who choose to participate in the contes.

The Council of Public Relations Firms also offered some examples to consider for a video entry, including answers like:a social media rock star; make the world a better place; make memorable videos (that spread like wildfire); and so on. For the Council, the contest presents an opportunity to find talented young minds, ready to enter a highly competitive industry.

“When it comes to finding the best people, we can’t be complacent. We need cutting edge talent across disciplines to push our industry to new heights. We hope this video contest showcases both memorable creativity and great future PR talent,” explained Kathy Cripps, President of the Council of Public Relations Firms.

The contest will run from April 2, 2013 – June 28, 2013. Crowd sourced voting on the contest platform, hosted by Strutta, will take place concurrently, with the top nine vote getters, plus one “critic’s choice” advancing to the semi-final round.

In July, a blue ribbon panel of PR firm leaders, including: Tim Bird, President & COO, Cooney/Waters Group; Rob Bratskeir, GM/New York, Executive Vice President, 360 Public Relations; Nelson Fernandez, Managing Director, New York, APCO Worldwide; Jim Joseph, President, North America, Cohn & Wolfe; Dave Senay, President and CEO, Fleishman – Hillard; Stephanie Smirnov, Chief Executive Officer, U.S., DeVries Global; Lisa Travatello, Practice Chair, Global Brand and Consumer Marketing & Creative Director, Burson-Marsteller, and Renee Wilson, President, MSLGROUP North America will view and judge these top 10 videos, and select the ultimate winner.

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