Achieving more Market Share for your Company with PR

The main goal of every business is to have a bigger market share to increase sales and profitability.  Achieving this is never easy, especially with the high level of competition amongst companies who use the best marketing strategies. 

However as a business, including PR in the marketing strategies will boost a company’s market share in a big way. Through PR, a company will build and maintain a brand image for the public in order to thrive and beat its competitors. But how can a company achieve more market share with PR? read on to understand more on this.

Make Good Use of social media

Currently, most customers rely on social media to get various information about a company. It’s also evident that most people spend a lot of time online looking for different data about brands. A company can take advantage of this habit and reach many customers through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

However, for these platforms to increase a company’s market share, they must put out creative and have compelling content that can attract a bigger fan base and boost sales. This means companies  must have creative and innovative social media marketers who understand how PR works. Note that the use of social media to increase a company’s market share with PR is cost-effective. It is also the best way to measure a marketing strategy’s success.

Focus on Growing the Company’s Brand

Building a company’s brand is never easy in a competitive environment. However, using PR to grow a company’s brand will help it increase its market share. To achieve this, use images on various platforms like springboards since most people are obsessed with what they see and hear.

Take advantage of creative images and post more about the company to sell more. Growing the company’s brand through a logo and corporate image as well as connecting it with potential clients will also help increase its market share. Note that building a brand requires transparency, credibility, and reliability.

Do More Research About the Company’s Audience/Customers

What makes a company grow its market share is its understanding  of its customer’s needs and wants. Remember, marketing through ads and promos is of no value if a business doesn’t understand its customers. 

PR campaigning requires researching potential clients to learn their preference and tastes, then giving  them the products and services they want. It’s also important to know the platforms where they spend their free time, and where they get new information then find out how to reach them through that.

Work on the Company’s Reputation

A good reputation helps a company build its market share and also sales. So, for a business to build its reputation, especially during this digital era , they have to be keen with their online image. One way to achieve this is to monitor and manage their online reputation, since a bad image will push away potential clients, reducing the market share.

Companies should know when to answer, ignore, and remove negative comments about their brands. Remember, reputation management is crucial in this era where customers can write any review about a company’s site and share it all over social media for their gain. So companies should know what people say about them, and respond well.


Increasing a company’s market share is never easy as there’s always tough competition from other businesses. However with PR, this is possible. If companies work on their e reputation and brand, and use the right social media platforms, they will see change.

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