Amazon’s Kindle Fire Laughs at the Competition

Amazon Kindle Fire

Amazon Kindle FireAmazon has a pretty simple formula for its business: do things other people do, only better. Its new Kindle Fire is further proof of that. Plenty of shops have sold books over the years, but Amazon found a way to do it better. Its new line of Kindles simply take the concept to a new level.

If Amazon were to write a how-to guide about creating and selling tablets, it would read like this: (1) Create a content-driven store. (2) Amass a ton of digital content: books, music, movies, and TV shows. (3) Sell your content and make a lot of money doing it. (4) Create a tablet specifically designed for your content.

It is a simple formula that many of the previous “iPad killers” failed to envision. The Kindle Fire is still a Kindle, plain and simple. While the original Kindle was pretty much a single-purpose device, the Kindle Fire does not aim to be an all-purpose device like the iPad. It has multiple purposes, but they are still pretty much within Amazon’s content parameters. Therefore, there is no camera, no microphone, and no focus on creating content. If the Kindle is a digital book, the Kindle Fire is a digital magazine, newspaper, movie and music player.

Amazon played it brilliantly and patiently, from its gradual development of digital content purchasing and cloud storage to its not-so-subtle creation of its own Android marketplace. All of it was leading up to this moment: the release of a $199 seven-inch tablet.

In doing so, it has avoided labeling it an iPad competitor and instead focused on its real opponent: Barnes and Noble’s NOOK Color. It is far too early to tell if this product will be successful but if consistency is any indication, the Kindle Fire is simply Amazon and simply another Kindle.

There are multiple agencies which we understand urge people to read books constantly – including Coyne PR, APCO Worldwide and Beckerman PR.

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