American Academy of Pediatrics Issues RFP

The AAP holds a cooperative agreement for the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW) with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Head Start and Office of Child Care, as well as with the Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal Child Health Bureau to support the health‐related activities and goals of Head Start and Child Care programs through the provision of resources, training, and technical assistance.  The NCECHW is leading a partnership that shapes and impacts the overall awareness, knowledge, and training of early care and education (ECE) programs across the nation including Head Start, Early Head Start, and Childcare. The NCECHW provides a myriad of tools and resources for staff and families across ECE settings. These resources are developed by ECE content experts, but all resources posted online must adhere to government 508 compliance requirements. The NCECHW is interested in engaging a content specialist with experience or expertise in early childhood development


The American Academy of Pediatrics is a professional membership organization of 67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well‐being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Founded in 1930, the AAP advocates for the health and wellbeing of all children and works with government, communities and other national organizations to shape many child health and safety issues. The AAP provides professional education and resources to member pediatricians, and provides patient education and public information campaigns.

Scope of Work:

The NCECHW is seeking a content developer with experience in early childhood education to create resources and adapt existing staff resources as parent education resources. These resources are reviewed by NCECHW content experts and staff as the first review phase. A second review phase engages our funding officers after resources are copyedited and designed by NCECHW staff.

The scope of work is expected to include:

1.       Develop content related to emergency prepardeness, specifically ECE program prepardeness for earthquakes, fire, and flooding, This resource will be a printable document for ECE staff. It is anticipated each topic will be approximately 2‐5 pages.

2.        Video scripting for 12 two minute videos. These videos are part of two separate video series related to ECE partnerships with medical homes and vulnerable populations served in ECE settings.  

3.         3‐5 tipsheets regarding maternal mortality concerns for ECE program staff.

4.        It is expected the consultant will adapt two series of existing ECE staff newsletters into printable handouts regarding health related performance standards and mental health specific concerns for Head Start programs.

Planning phase

One to two planning meetings with NCECHW staff to develop communication work plan and project timeline. Planning meetings will be conducted via hourly conference calls. The communication plan will define ongoing check ins and progress report modality.  It is anticipated this will begin in early April 2020

Resource development phase

Conulstant will begin delivering products according to project timeline. This is anticipated to begin in April 2020 and end in May 2020

Review phase 

The NCECHW has a two prong revision process. Products will be reviewed first by content experts and NCECHW staff. The consultant will need to revise products based on this review before moving forward to the next review phase. It is anticpate this review phase will begin May 2020 and end no later than June 2020. Copyediting and design by NCECHW staff June‐July 2020 Review phase two incorporates the feedback from funding officers at Office of Head Start and Office of Child Care. The consultant will review products based on ths review. Products will not be considered completed until revisions are complete from this review phase.

Due Date:

March 23, 2020


Relevant agencies worth considering include Kaplow PR and Zeno Group.

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