Android Models Dominate Social Media Mentions

Net sentiment score.

DigitalMR, a social media research specialist focusing on online reputation measurement and analysis,  has announced that Android smartphones are the most mentioned brand on the Internet.  With Android models from Samsung, HTC and Motorola being the top three most mentioned smartphone brands accounting for over 68% of all measured customer comments, this news pushes the Apple iPhone into 4th place.

Powered by SocialNuggets, the study was based on comments posted via a range of relevant websites and forums and open access social media platforms.  Measuring not only the number of comments posted, the study also factored in their sentiment.  By doing so, each brand achieved a positive Net Sentiment Score (NSS) and were provided with an overall percentage score of net positive posts.

Net sentiment score.
The highest NSS is achieved by HP with 50%, followed by Nokia (47%) , with the lowest NSS recorded by Sony Erickson (4%) and Apple (6%).

After analyzing over 1/4 million customer comments about smartphones from September – October 2011, results showed that nearly 62% of these customer views are positive, compared with a 38% negative.  Attracting a 30% market share of all positive comments and a 31% share of the smaller, negative comments group, Samsung is in the lead.  Next up is HTC with 22% positive mentions and 19% negative, and Motorola in third with 17% positive and 15% negative.

While it may seem like an established smartphone model such as the iPhone may receive more mentions than its competitors, Apple has fewer overall mentions and attracts more negative ones than Motorola with a 17% share of all negative comments.  In fact, even the major smartphone brand BlackBerry accounts for only 7% of total customer comments.

“The march of the Androids continues with their increased sales and market share gains being matched by consumers’ conversations online,” stated Michales Michael, the Managing Director of DigitalMR, summarizing the study with a pretty controversial prediction.

To view more key findings, you can view the official report on the DigitalMR site.

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