Anne Arundel County Seeks Public Information and Marketing; Market Research; and Website Development

; Market Research; and Website

; Market Research; and Website


Anne Arundel County, Maryland (“County”) is soliciting proposals from qualified marketing/communications, market research, and website development and design firms to provide services on an as needed basis to assist the Department of Health with its health promotion activities.

Scope of Work:

Public Information and Marketing

Public information is the process of disseminating clear, timely and accurate information, facts and knowledge to the public. Marketing is the process of planning, designing, producing and placing suitable materials for targeted populations.  Marketing includes the creative design and content of all materials.

Work projects under this blanket contract may include:

a)            Developing print and electronic materials to convey timely health information to targeted populations within Anne Arundel County.

b)            Writing copy, providing original photos and artwork for “camera-ready” reproduction, and recommending stock photos (preferably royalty- free, non-exclusive images) and artwork for a variety of media.

c)            Assisting with logos, branding and developing readily identifiable, consistent and accurate messages for the departments’ programs and services.

d)            Identifying and recommending cost-effective strategies to promote the departments’ programs and services for measurable results.

e)            Developing and producing collateral materials to enhance broad information and marketing campaigns.

f)             Developing, producing, purchasing and placing advertisements and public service announcements/releases for electronic and print media.

g)            Assisting in updating the departments’ information and promotion materials to reflect current trends and new scientific data.

h)            Designing visually appealing and informative displays, backboards and exhibits for fairs and public presentations.

i)             Creating materials to communicate messages and time-sensitive emergency information to all County residents, including special populations. Special populations include, but are not limited to: racial  and ethnic minority groups, limited English proficient or non-English speaking persons, segmented age groups, mentally or physically challenged persons (including the visually and hearing impaired), chemically dependent persons, clients of the criminal justice system, and the homeless.

j)             Developing and managing direct mail campaigns.

k)            Developing and producing copy and applications for social networking outlets (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Twitter).

l)             Developing, producing and managing text messaging or other mobile- based campaigns/applications.

m)          Developing and managing online ad campaigns (e.g., Google AdWords, Facebook ads).

n)            Evaluating and producing reports for various public information and marketing campaigns.

The media formats that may be developed and implemented under this contract may include:

a)            Brochures, newsletters, fact sheets;

b)            Brand and logo design;

c)            Web production (including applications and games);

d)            Exhibits, displays;

e)            Banners and signs;

f)             Billboards;

g)            Multimedia PowerPoint and visual presentations;

h)            Media awareness campaigns;

i)             News releases, feature stories and commentaries for print media, television,  radio and Web;

j)             Radio/television interviews and podcasts;

k)            Commercials, public service announcements and PR videos;

l)             Promotional items; and

m)          Social networking outlets and mobile technology applications.

Market Research

The purpose of market research (for the intent of this RFP for the County’s agencies) is to understand consumer health behavior, including current health status, needs, wants, preferences and motivations; identify current and potential target audiences for health promotion messages; determine the demand for existing and potential products and services related to health; and identify appropriate health promotion messages, strategies and media outlets  for selected audiences. Market research involves designing, managing and implementing the data collection process; analyzing the results; and communicating the findings, recommendations and their implications.

Examples of market research projects requested by the County under this blanket contract may include:

a)            Identifying, evaluating and writing reports on consumer trends, health behaviors and disparities in Anne Arundel County.

b)            Collecting and analyzing social, cultural and economic information to:

o Understand public motivation in response to emerging public health issues;

o Determine motivation for changes in behavior; and

o Identify current and potential consumers of health information.

c)            Planning, conducting, and analyzing County-specific market research, including in-person, telephone, mail and Internet surveys. County- specific research may also include market research on special populations. Special populations include, but are not limited to: racial  and ethnic minority groups, limited English proficient or non-English speaking persons, segmented age groups, mentally or physically challenged persons (including the visually and hearing impaired), chemically dependent persons, clients of the criminal justice system, and the homeless.

d)            Planning, organizing, conducting and analyzing focus groups or key informants with a variety of populations.

e)            Researching and identifying appropriate media outlets for reaching targeted audiences in a cost-effective manner.

f)             Researching feasibility of social networking relationships and mobile application that would be advantageous outlets for Anne Arundel County messages.

Website Development and Design

Website development and design is the creation or redesign of a website’s appearance, navigation, content and structure for public information and marketing purposes. This includes programming, writing markup and coding for the purpose of creating the website. All website development would adhere to usability, reliability, performance, maintainability, security and ability to grow.

Examples of website development projects requested by the County under this blanket contract may include:

a)            Developing websites or Web pages utilizing the  appropriate programming languages (such as PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, HTML, IHTML, SHTML, XHTML, JavaScript and VBScript) or a programming language or content management system that allows user access cross browser platforms and has a responsive design for user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation like personal computers and mobile platforms such as phones, iPads, tablets and laptops.

b)            Developing website code that is optimized, therefore increasing search engine optimization and speeds up the website.

c)            Developing customized websites or Web pages utilizing interactive technologies (audio, video, animation) allowing for client/server relationships via the Internet and mobile devices.  Website  designs should be responsive, allowing flexibility to view the website regardless  of the end users’ device.

d)            Developing Web pages or websites that provides information to Anne Arundel County residents. Websites developed with Web accessibility in mind for the general County population as well as special populations. Special populations include, but are not limited to: racial and ethnic minority groups, limited English proficient or non-English speaking persons, segmented age groups, mentally or physically challenged persons (including the visually and hearing impaired), chemically dependent persons, clients of the criminal justice system, and the homeless.

e)            Developing and implementing Web pages or websites to obtain market research information on Anne Arundel County residents. Website  designs should be responsive, allowing flexibility to view the website regardless of the device.

f)             Developing architecture for Web projects that use CSS, meta tags, alt tags and allow for accessibility and cross browser compatibility, as well as mobile responsive platform compatibility coherent with current Anne Arundel County Department of Health websites. All Web pages shall adhere to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Integrating Web pages into the current website design utilizing the appropriate programming language and enabling database connectivity (MySQL or SQL) where needed.

g)            Database development utilizing MySQL or SQL. Securing hosting space if needed to house databases and maintain security.

h)            Creating or purchasing images, logos and any other artwork needed for projects.

i)             Developing customized and secure content management tools. Content management tools can be purchased if they fit the need for a project.

j)             Providing website security, scanning, analysis, testing, upgrades and maintenance for the website servers and websites. Such as, providing and implementing SSL certificates, authentication, server side validation, passwords, captcha and website security tools needed to keep the websites, databases and other electronic forms of communication secure.

k)            Developing social networking and mobile phone applications and services. This includes cross platform accessibility and responsive web design so that development responds to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size platform and orientation.

l)             Developing games and other interactive media for campaigns that are responsive to all media platforms. Integrating the games and media into websites, testing and maintaining security for a responsive web  design so that development responds to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size platform and orientation. Secure hosting the specialized media if needed.

m)          Utilizing Web statistics to provide consulting and guidance for future website enhancements.

n)            Provide website hosting (Linux servers, Windows servers,  Cloud services) to include 24/7 tech support and security. Hosting package includes network uptime, infrastructure guarantee, hardware guarantees.

o)            Provide maintenance contracts or service agreements for websites. Such as website hosting, domain name purchases and renewals, web security and scanning, securing and implementing SSL certificates, adhering to HIPPA and/or FERPA guidelines, website updates, website upgrades, database updates, database upgrades, updating and editing script, security fixes, tech support, consulting.

p)            Developing, hosting and providing technical support for web-based health data platforms for public education.

Due Date:

November 20


Purchasing Division,
Heritage Office Complex,
2660 Riva Road, Third Floor,
Annapolis, Maryland, 21401

Strong healthcare agencies include Hunter PR and Ketchum PR.

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