Who Are the Most Annoying Facebook Users?

Facebook Public Relations

Facebook can be synonymous with information overload, especially when your friends fail to see the line between enough and too much. You always have a choice: unfollow them, limit the updates you receive from them in your timeline, and so on. A lot of the most annoying Facebook personalities may be redundant, but identifying them is, nevertheless, helpful to define some “best practices” for private users.

Still, how to draw the line, when almost everything you post on Facebook could land you on the list of the top 10 most annoying personas? The answer is simple: moderation. Or use your common sense.

For example, try not to post updates about “every move you make, every step you take” during a day. Keep these messages to a minimum. Show moderation when you brag about your kid too, and remember the good old saying “get a room” when you publish updates about your love life.

An interesting infographic by LoveMyVouchers.co.uk, based on the results of their study of newsletter subscribers carried out between August and September 2013, shows you just who the most annoying Facebook users are. Do you have anything else to add to the list?

annoying facebook friends

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