Avant PR Signs 11th Client of 2018

Avant PR Signs 11th Client of 2018

Avant PR Signs 11th Client of 2018

Well-known fashion, entertainment, and beauty PR agency, Avant PR recently won a host of different PR clients during the first half of 2018. Some of their most recent achievements include PR briefs for fashion label “Lover of Luxe” and a lifestyle company called LifeLab testing. These wins come alongside a host of other new clients in 2018, including a Hollyoaks actress, Sarah Jayne Dunn, who signed with Avant PR in June 2018.

Lifelab testing is an intolerance and home allergy testing kit designed to make consumer lives easier by helping them to find out what they’re intolerant to at home. LifeLab testing appointed Avant PR in June to run its national press campaign as well as its “celebrity seeding” campaign for public influence. Avant will also handle all media relations for the brand.

Avant is also responsible for the celebrity side of Lover of Luxe’s campaign – a company created to design personal accessories for the fashion industry.

Avant PR Sees Significant Growth

With a passion for innovative campaigns that set companies aside as interesting, unique, and stylish, Avant PR has earned its reputation for being ahead of the trend. This PR company focuses almost exclusively on entertainment clients from music and television, as well as beauty brands and fashion companies. The organisation completes its operations mainly out of an office in Manchester. However, Avant PR also has a global presence thanks to a wide range of clients.

Alongside the recent wins on the Avant PR portfolio, the company also has a wide portfolio of other companies that it works with on a regular basis. Avant work with companies like Zero Skin, Spectrum, BAIA, and many other big-name brands. The organization won the 2015 silver award for the best small consultancy at the awards held by the chartered institute of public relations or CIPR.

Though Avant PR hasn’t been around for as long as some of the other beauty and fashion organizations in the marketplace today, they’ve been growing significantly since their launch in 2013. The Avant PR brand draws on in-depth experience with entertainment, fashion, beauty, and many other industries.

A Strong Year in 2018

Though Avant PR has made ripples in the PR industry since its launch, 2018 has been a particularly positive year, with 11 new clients in the first half of the year alone. Further wins will be announced in the months to come too. According to the Co-founder and director of Avant PR – Jazmin Farrell Cabrera – the first half of the year has been highly successful for Avant PR, with Lover and Luxe and LifeLab testing coming to the roster.

Both Lover of Luxe and LifeLab testing are exceptional brands according to Avant PR, and the business notes that they can’t wait to start working on campaigns to support them. In the months to come throughout the rest of 2018 and as we make our way into 2019, Avant PR will continue to add new clients to its roster, and expand its value in the celebrity, entertainment, beauty, and fashion spaces.

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