Baby Killer Should Face Harsh Court Sentence – And Don’t Silence The PR Firm

Michelle Wilkins Dynel Lane
Michelle Wilkins Dynel Lane
Dynel Lane (on the right) will not face murder chargers for cutting Michelle Wilkin’s (left) unborn child out of her womb

Several months ago Michelle Wilkins faced a nightmare when her baby girl Aurora was cut from her womb allegedly by Dynel Lane, a 34-year-old Colorado woman. Lane then took the baby to a nearby hospital claiming she had miscarried and needed help to save her baby boy.

Back at the Lane home, Wilkins woke with blood rushing from her abdomen and only aware she could either force herself to her phone close by or give up and die. She chose to live even though she was not aware at the time her baby was no longer with her. First responders arrived and took her to the hospital where Lane had also gone.

That was a blessing in the midst of her horrific story since she and her partner Dan found the opportunity to say goodbye to their daughter and hold her in their arms.

The story, as can well be imagined, hit the press in a major way. Wilkins and her family were immediately overwhelmed with the attention from the Press and retained a local PR firm to handle things while they worked on first the physical healing and then the emotional.

Lane was arrested and trial set on the case, but her attorneys have asked for a gag order saying all the press coverage will keep their client from receiving a fair trial. The DA’s office and the police have issued almost no statements since the initial arrest, but the DA also argued they do not have the right to control what victims, or their PR firm, have to say.

All things considered, the victim and her family have said very little to the press or others publicly, granting almost no interviews or statements directly to the press. They let their PR firm handle things on their behalf. The one interview scheduled for release from Wilkins is the Dr. Phil season opening show. That’s a big venue, probably chosen hoping it is so big Wilkins can stop with that one, at least until she’s ready to confront the staggering amount of press requests.

In the meantime, Perini and Associates are handling things just as they have done for other clients. Michael Perini, founder and CEO of the firm explained, “It made sense for the family to reach out to a Colorado-based firm that has experience handling intense press interest for victims.”

His firm has handled some big events in the past, such as incidents related to 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and a number of USAF aircraft-related accidents. Before starting his firm, Perini was a U.S. Air Force Colonel working as the director of public affairs at NORAD.

Considering how much Wilkins could be saying about her alleged attacker, she’s chosen to remain in the background making rare comments on her Facebook page and the interview with Dr. Phil. But nothing else is scheduled before the trial in February.

Since Wilkins is the victim of a crime, nothing is “alleged” about her part in this story, the court should not have a say in how she chooses to work through her grief or handle the healing she can achieve. So far, the court has remained silent on the request to silence Wilkins or her PR representatives.

We hope the PR firm is very effective – and the murderer is punished severely.

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