Bill Blass Announces New Agency Hires

bill blass group

 – Exposure and Wondersauce to Bolster Iconic Label’s Relaunch Strategy – 

Bill Blass Group announces the appointment of Exposure America and Wondersauce as its public relations and digital creative agencies, respectively. Exposure America will lead the brand’s media relations and special events. Wondersauce will realize and design the fashion house’s website and e-commerce platform.

“We selected companies that were in keeping with the values of Bill Blass; respectful of the brand’s archive, with a modern approach to retail and design. Both firms demonstrated fresh thinking with a consumer-centric lens,” said Chris Benz, Creative Director of Bill Blass.

“We want to pay homage to the past while building a very modern shopping experience; showcasing Bill Blass products in interesting and beautiful ways” says John Sampogna, Founding Partner of Wondersauce. “We are giving Chris (Benz) a platform to express his vision for the brand’s future.”

Raoul Shah, CEO of Exposure Group says “We are thrilled to work with Bill Blass to reignite its brand presence in the market and support the new direction under Chris Benz’ stewardship. Our teams felt a positive chemistry and we look forward to growing this iconic brand with Chris’ inspiration and vision.”

The appointment of these agencies reflects another strategic move in the reimagining of Bill Blass, due to relaunch in January 2016.

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