Branding and Marketing Firm Needed for the San Diego Police Department

Branding and Marketing Firm Needed for the San Diego Police Department

Branding and Marketing Firm Needed for the San Diego Police Department


This Contract (Contract) is entered into by and between the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation (City), and the successful proposer to Request for Proposal (RFP) # 10089342-18-K, Branding and Marketing Strategy Consulting Services for Police Recruitment for the San Diego Police Department (Contractor).

Scope of Work:

The City of the San Diego is the eighth largest City in the nation. The San Diego Police Department’s (SDPD) successful recruitment of talented Police recruits is a top priority for Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer. With four (4) academies a year, the recruitment of (up to) 50 highly qualified Police recruits per class insures that the welfare and safety of the community at large is constantly improving and that the department is a true representation of the community. Investment on the City’s part for a Police recruit to train and begin work as an independent officer has been estimated at $190,000. The SDPD prides itself in being a diverse organization with a police force that represents the communities it serves. It is an environment rich in opportunity for a long, successful career in enforcement for police recruits who successfully complete the academy.

With the average age of the Police recruit being 27 years old and at least 58% of these individuals have earned a college degree, new and effective ways to reach that demographic is key. The City seeks a Contractor to develop a branding and marketing strategy for the implementation of a recruitment campaign exclusively for the San Diego Police Department. The Contractor will work closely with the SDPD to create the branding and consistent messaging that can be utilized across all marketing media and communication delivery methods to reach a core targeted demographic. The City will hold a mandatory discovery session as part of the pre-proposal phase of this project. The discovery session is meant to provide all proposers information on the mission, goals and culture of the San Diego Police Department. Information provided at this discovery session should be used to help develop a marketing and branding strategy that best reflects the mission, goals and culture of the San Diego Police Department.

The Contractor will be responsible for producing a project timeline  broken  into  two  (2) phases with milestones for the completion of key deliverables. The timeline will be mutually agreed upon by both parties prior to execution of the Contract.

Phase One (1) Deliverable:

Development of a schedule, timeline and strategic plan and approach to accomplish SDPD recruitment goals over a mutually agreed upon timeframe.

Phase Two (2) Deliverables:

All deliverables are subject to final review and approval by SDPD and submissions may be modified or revision may be required as determined by the department.

The key completed deliverables for this phase will be:

  • A Slogan or Tagline which is specific to and captures the mission and goals of the SDPD.
  • A new suite of print materials which will be used at various outreach and recruitment events and fairs (including booth banner).
  • A Social Media strategy.
  • Radio and Television script (and production of one of either concept).
  • A billboard and print strategy.
  • A Digital Design Concept for the recruitment and training website that is consistent with campaign but true to City’s branding and style guide cheat sheet, which has been provided (Exhibit D).

Due Date:

March 24th


1401 Broadway, MS 768

San Diego, CA 92101


PR firms who have worked for law enforcement include 5WPR and Burson-Marsteller.

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