The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law for the purpose of providing emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic.
Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County has received CARES funding dollars reserved to establish a marketing campaign targeted to minority and vulnerable populations in Montgomery County regarding the COVID19 pandemic. Due to the urgent need and time sensitivity of this RFP process, Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County seeks firms with the technical expertise and experience to effectively respond to these requirements with the minimum of technical assistance from Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County.
Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County (Public Health) is requesting proposals from qualified individuals/firms to develop, deliver, and provide a cost effective, universally understood marketing campaign to equip all Montgomery County residents with the information and knowledge that can be applied to follow appropriate COVID-19 guidelines, practices and behaviors in an effort to keep themselves, their families, and the community at large safe during the pandemic.
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has exposed the health inequities that have existed in minority populations over many years, specifically the African American and Latino American communities. While anyone can contract COVID-19, vulnerable populations, such as racial and ethnic minority groups, older adults, people with underlying conditions, people with disabilities, people experiencing homelessness and pregnant women are at in increased risk of contracting the virus. Racial and ethnic minority groups however, have been disproportionately affected by the virus.
The COVID-19 pandemic is also highlighting societal and health care inequities. As the infection spreads, the projected mortalities and economic downturn are unprecedented. It is more important than ever to promote and maintain preventative measures in the community.
Public Health’s mission is to improve the quality of life in our community by achieving the goals of public health: prevention, promotion and protection. Our vision includes Montgomery County as a healthy, safe and thriving community.
Additional specifics will be addressed in Attachment “A”, Statement of Work.
Scope of Work:
Bidder is required to develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan focused on educating the citizens of Montgomery County, Ohio on the importance of protecting themselves and others during the COVID-19 pandemic:
a. Marketing plan will extend for a four-month period commencing December 2020, and ending March 2021;
b. Marketing plan should include all relevant aspects of communications based on knowledge and expertise of the applicant may include, but not limited to broadcast media, social media, radio, print, testimonials from influential persons, billboards and direct mail;
c. Marketing plan will include all pertinent recommendations, outlines and/or timelines;
d. Marketing plan will include methods and materials that are concise, thought provoking and elicit positive responses and behavior from target audiences;
e. Marketing plan must include culturally-sensitive depictions specifically geared toward minority and other vulnerable populations who experience the highest rates of health disparity.
There are many things that determine our overall individual health. We know that our own biology, our access to health care and the environment help determine our health. In fact, those things combined contribute to about 50% of our health status. What we sometimes forget is that 50% of our health status is determined by the lifestyle we choose. Lifestyle choice is the largest health determinant and is also the one area where each of us has the most control.
Public Health services are far ranging and comprehensive. We continually evaluate the changing needs of our community and implement new strategies to meet those needs.
Bidder will be required to work in accordance with the Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County COVID-19 Community Health Equity Education and Outreach Plan. This plan aligns with the COVID-19 Ohio Minority Health Strike Force Blueprint Plan. The COVID-19 Community Health Equity Education & Outreach Plan is created to develop, plan for, and disseminate information on COVID-19, specifically targeting minority and other vulnerable populations in Montgomery County who experience the highest rates of health disparity. The Community Health Equity Education and Outreach Plan will use data to drive decision-making and deploy evidence-based and culturally relevant outreach efforts.
Due Date:
1:00pm, Eastern Time on October 30
Paul Clark Supervisor-Purchasing & Facilities Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County 117 South Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45422 937-224-8081 pclark@phdmc.org
Ruder Finn and Finn Partners are agencies to consider.