Catching up with PMK*BNC, Glover Park Group, Global Strategy Group, and Ketchum

Advisory Council of Excellence Added by AIM Sports Reputation Management

Two things happening at AIM, first they are changing their name to one they feel better reflects their more global client base and expansion because they are covering all kinds of sports and sporting activities. They are now known as PN AIM Sports.

And as their first act after the name change, they added an Advisory Council of Excellence (ACE). This group represents a variety of sports and communications people including those formerly associated with the NCAA and professional teams and sports media experts. Those named to the council include Terry Holland, Jim Schwantz, Steve Kennedy, Doug Stewart, and Ryan Stewart.

PMK*BNC Adds Multiple People to London Office


The London office of PMK*BNC was opened in 2013 and has been steadily growing since then.

As Chris Robichaud, CEO said, “We are fully committed to continuing our investment in growing our London office. We have always believed in the need for an agency that understands and executes in the worlds of Popular Culture globally, and this recent expansion in our London office gives us a valuable boost in the global marketplace.”

New additions include an editorial expert, Ross Brown – he’ll be Group Editor in Chief and VP; Tom Usher will serve as Creative Director, and Clare Cooke will fill the position of Director of Influencer Relations and Special Projects.

Glover Park Group Welcomes New Client – Lyft

Glover Park Group Welcomes New Client – Lyft

Lyft Inc., a ride-hailing app similar to Uber has just signed Washington DC lobbying and PR firm, Glover Park Group. Starting a year ago, Lyft began increasing its lobbying efforts and for the past year has been represented by Podesta Group for tax and trade issues in addition to general PR and communications regarding the benefits of ride-sharing.

Glover Park is an affiliate of WPP and the account representative for Lyft is Gregg Rothschild. Rothschild worked as a legislative assistant to Sen. John Kerry (R-MA) previously as well as Catharine Ransom, a former advisor for climate and environment to Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), and Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) – as a senior policy advisor.

Global Strategy Group Adds Peggy Atherlay to Their Hartford Office

Global Strategy Group Adds Peggy Atherlay to Their Hartford Office

Peggy Atherlay joins Global Strategy Group (GSG) as a director in their Hartford office, and she brings a wealth of experience having previously worked in diverse sectors of PR and communication including nonprofits and foundations, public affairs, corporations, and also international experience.

Just prior to joining GSG, she worked at the Center for Special Care in New Britain as their communications director. She also served as communications director for AmeriCares Foundation, MetLife’s asst. VP of corporate responsibility, Ogilvy PR in NYC as a Sr. Account Supervisor, Senator Dodd’s media relations associate in the Connecticut General Assembly, and speechwriter for the Speaker of the Connecticut House.

Ketchum Forms Interagency Group with Their German PR Affiliates

Ketchum PR

Ketchum announced the newly formed group combining three German PR brands with offices in a total of eight cities. The new group becomes one of the largest communications consultancies in Germany and will enjoy the leadership of Victoria Wagner, who has been the CEO of one of the three firms, Brandzeichen. The other two are Pleon and Emanate.

Back in 2010, Pleon and Ketchum merged. They originally were called Ketchum Pleon, but Germany is the last place where the name Pleon has continued. During that same time, Emanate also expanded to include Germany. Bandzeichen was acquired by Ketchum in 2013 and has been known for their creativity. Before bringing the three agencies together, they have all been operating as separate entities.

Dirk Popp, CEO and partner with Ketchum Pleon decided to leave Ketchum after 20 years with the agency, but Simone Hoch, Munich’s managing partner for Ketchum Pleon steps in as COO for the new group.

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