Our team is looking to leverage deeper insights, strictly from publicly available information, to be more efficient with our resources. We highly value constituent relationships and wish to distribute information that is helpful, efficient, and welcoming so that we have the respect and trust for when we need to distribute highly critical information. Through this RFP, we’re looking for a partner well versed in social media best practices and data privacy.


The City of Boston’s Digital Team, within the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT), manages the central @CityofBoston social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can read more about our work and our guiding principles at . In addition to the central accounts, there are over 170 active social media accounts affiliated with City Departments and programs. We are seeking a tool that will enable us to more strategically manage their content and performance with emphasis on priority accounts that we determine, but greater visibility across all. In addition, this RFP is seeking software that will enable us to have greater insight on performance analytics from the public discourse surrounding our priority social media accounts. Currently, we rely on the baseline platform analytics and those which are aggregated through our social media management tool: Hootsuite. We also can do basic campaign management of what we post and tag. However, we currently lack the capabilities to receive insights about the reach, discussion, and impact of our public information that we distribute.

Scope of Work:

To acquire software or capabilities within our existing software that enable our team to see, analyze, and report on real-time information in order to better monitor, engage, and amplify social conversations around our public information. Our goal is to help us and our stakeholders make more strategic decisions for digital engagement and to be more effective in reaching our public with critical information. The City has over 170 active social media accounts and is seeking a two-part enhancement to our current capabilities: First, we need to have more seamless insight into what is happening across all City-affiliated platforms so we can more easily manage them as necessary (elevate posts, close accounts, refine their strategy). Secondly, we are looking for greater analytics insight and strategic management capabilities for selected, primary social media accounts to be responsive to the public discourse around our key information campaigns and content under/over performing on those selected accounts.

Currently, we rely on the standard platform analytics which are aggregated through our social media management tool: Hootsuite. We can perform basic campaign management for what we post and tag, but insight from the reach and impact of our public information we distribute is missing from our internal strategy. We are a small team, looking to maximize our time and resources. To that end, we are looking to leverage deeper insights from publicly available information to utilize our resources more effectively.

The capabilities we are looking for include:

                1. Social scanning to proactively be notified about critical events, or keywords that may occur in the City to inform us about issues related to public safety.

                2. Local insight and analytics to see and respond to community influencers, reach, sentiment,    and trending posts from city messages and campaigns.

                3. Real-time dashboard for City affiliated accounts: We’re looking for a way to track and act upon under/over-performing posts across the City’s 170+ accounts. The dashboard would ideally integrate feeds across three of the major social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).

                4. Comparative analysis insights from similar accounts and content

                5. Enhanced geo-targeting to see, respond to, and promote content within geographic sub-areas within the City of Boston

                6. Reporting to share aggregated campaign performance insights with various internal stakeholders.

Due Date:

October 4, 2019


Jeanethe Falvey

Department of Innovation and Technology, City Hall Room 703

1 City Hall Square

Boston, MA 02201


Relevant agencies include Kite Hill PR and Zeno group.

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