City of Brentwood Issues Marketing RFP

Downtown Brentwood California

The City requires an experienced marketing and public relations

industry consultant to provide marketing services (“Services”) for its Project.

Consultants experienced in real estate development marketing, including mixed-use and

commercial office jobs centers, will create a branded, marketing program that is used to

present this new development opportunity to developers and end user businesses. The

City has completed a Master Plan with architectural renderings, a themed marketing

brochure and associated documents. All documents for the previously completed

Master Plan work is available in modifiable electronic format, including Adobe InDesign.

More information about the Innovation Center @ Brentwood can be found at:

The Services required for the Project may include design and branding services, creative

marketing strategy planning and execution, website/social media design/advisement and

creative services and advertisement purchases on behalf of the City.


The City is a general law city located in east Contra Costa County, with an estimated population

of 65,300. Additional information about the City is available online at: and

Scope of Work:

Background and Vision

The City of Brentwood has recently completed a Master Plan and marketing brochure for the

Innovation Center @ Brentwood, a roughly 400 acre area with a core development objective to

become a next generation business and office park, and incorporating mixed-used residential

and commercial uses that attract employers and talent to the Brentwood market. The vision for

this area is a bold leap that would lead this region to a new reality: a world where next

generation workplaces are close to employee residences; where quality of life is a paramount

concern, where travel to work by pedestrian, bicycle, and quality transit would not only be

possible, but strongly preferred; where employers choose a location for headquarters and

satellite offices because they can attract talent.

Brentwood, being located in the San Francisco Bay Area, has key marketable assets that add to

the conceptual viability of The Innovation Center as an employment center:

• land availability for new, modern, healthy building focused development

• a talented, educated workforce that already commutes and is WFH for major employers

in the San Francisco Bay Area (ie Hub and Spoke Model)

• relatively affordable and contemporary housing for employees

• available infrastructure to meet demands of new development

• a supportive City government focused on economic development

• easy access to quality parks, trails and open space

• a family focused, safe community

Even with these marketable assets, the City is not known as being a jobs center and needs to

acquire a presence in the market. The City is looking for a marketing services consultant that

can guide the planning and execution of a marketing program with a real estate and

development focus that puts Brentwood, California and The Innovation Center @ Brentwood on

the map as the next location for office park developers and major employers within, and serving,

the San Francisco Bay Area.

The City is seeking a proposal from a marketing firm that can take previous work performed for

The Innovation Center @ Brentwood and make the project concept ready for consumption in

media, publications, and other outlets, in addition to creating traction with the development

community and major employers.

The marketing program may include the following services, but is not entirely defined. The City

looks for the consultant to provide a professional recommendation within its proposal to address

the needs of the City for this project.

The budget for this work is $55,000. 

City of Brentwood

Request for Proposals

City Attorney Approved Version 060120


1. Brand Understanding and Brand Development

a. Review existing The Innovation Center @ Brentwood Master Plan, marketing

brochure, SWOT Analysis, and associated documents.

b. Review the City of Brentwood Quality of Life Platform: Better in Brentwood ™

c. Advise and create identifiable branding content or imagery that can be used in

marketing and media outreach, journals, publications, etc… to convey the real

estate and development opportunity.

2. Marketing Collateral

a. Create marketing content that is readily consumable for marketing and media

outreach. Build materials off of previous work on the project.

b. Assist the City with updating its website landing and marketing page:

c. Assist the City with creating an identifiable social media presence for the project.

3. Marketing Channels and Execution

a. Advise on marketing efforts that provide the City the best ROI for establishing

brand positioning in the market.

b. Execute the marketing strategy; provide content for media relations.

c. Act on the City’s behalf to foster partnerships in the development community.

d. Act on the City’s behalf to purchase creative advertising and deploy creative

content (reimbursable costs plus overhead)

Due Date: September 30


City of Brentwood

Economic Development Division

150 City Park Way

Brentwood, CA 94513

C/O Joshua Ewen, Senior Analyst

City Manager’s Office – Economic Development

(925) 418-2418 direct

Project Webpage at:


Finn Partners and Prosek Partners are agencies to consider for this assignment.

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