Proposal due date: November 13, 2023

Scope of Work

The Consultant will be expected to provide a wide range of responsible and responsive professional services including, but not limited to project management, community research, public engagement, brand selection, and brand implementation strategy.

Generally, only the major tasks along with general expectations and requirements are outlined below. The scope of work outlined in this section represents the minimum work the Consultant must complete. Proposers

should outline their detailed plan to address each element of the scope of work in the Project Understanding & Approach section.


The Consultant shall act as the project manager of the Consultant’s team, including any sub-consultants or contractors for the duration of the Project. Consultant shall monitor and manage the project to produce promised deliverables on time, in scope, and within budget. Consultant will report on project progress and communicate in a timely manner. The Consultant shall ensure full coordination with City staff and be responsive to emails, telephone inquiries, and discussions in addition to meetings as required under various tasks in the scope of work. Open communication between the Consultant team and City staff will be crucial to a successful project. To fulfill this task, the Consultant will be expected to provide the following:

Task 1.1 Kickoff Meeting – Organize a kickoff meeting with City staff to share available information and knowledge, and discuss and/or confirm the City’s expectations, the project approach, project management and communication protocols, and the project schedule.

Task 1.2 Project Administration – Perform general project administration services, monthly invoicing, monthly updates for the project team (City and Consultant), maintaining the project schedule, and project coordination.

Task 1.3 Ongoing Coordination Meetings – At a frequency recommended by the Consultant, the Consultant will host recurring project coordination meetings with City staff. The purpose of these meetings will be to maintain and update the projectschedule, develop future deliverables, and discuss

project activities.


The City of Scappoose was incorporated in 1921 and already has a great degree of community, local pride, and culture established. Reviewing the work of the past and assessing the city’s existing assets will aid the Consultant’s understanding of where Scappoose is in its branding journey.

Task 2.1 Review Existing Documents – The City has developed several branding or branding adjacent documents over the years, including the City Vision Statement (2016) and the 50-Year Plan Vision

Statement (2023). These will need to be reviewed by the Consultant in order to begin to understand the community’s values and the work that has already been completed to date.

Task 2.2 View Previous Meetings- The City of Scappoose postsits public meetings online on the City’s

YouTube channel. The Consultant will need to view a series of City Council and Economic Development Committee meetings/videos in which community branding is a named agenda item. City staff will identify the specific videos and timestamps that are critical to watch at the time the Consultant is selected.

Task 2.3 Branding Coordination with CET – The Columbia Economic Team (CET) is the local economic

development agency in Columbia County. In May 2023, the CET began a county-wide branding

exercise with a focus on expanding and promoting tourism in the county. The Consultant for the

Scappoose branding project will meet with CET staff and their branding consultant team to coordinate

the two branding projects and consider aligning the brand theme of Scappoose with the brand theme

CET has selected.

Task 2.4 Asset Inventory – Create an inventory of the community’s assets and attractions within

Scappoose city limits and urban growth boundary as well as the surrounding areas in each direction.

Nearby attractions include Chapman Landing, Crown Z Trail, Rocky Point Trail, Scappoose Bay,

Scappoose Creek Inn, Means Nursery, Wildwood Golf Course, and more. The asset inventory should

include local attractions, unique enterprises that set Scappoose apart, locations that could or already

contribute to the community brand, and opportunities for brand development.


Task 3.1 Stakeholder Engagement – The stakeholder advisory committee for the project will be the

Scappoose Economic Development Committee (EDC), which is a standing committee of the City. The

Consultant will meet and engage with the EDC throughout the process as the community brand &

implementation plan are being developed. Although branding does not have to be discussed at every

EDC meeting, their meetings take place every third Thursday at 12:00 pm PST. Meeting materials are

sent to the Committee and published 7 days prior to the meeting. The Consultant must provide City

staff with sufficient time to review and comment on materials before being distributed to the EDC.

Task 3.2 Decision Maker Consultation – In addition to regular meetings with the EDC, the Consultant

will attend multiple City Council work sessions. The Consultant will present the progress of the

Community Branding Project at key points and seek ongoing feedback from the City Council.

Task 3.3 Community Involvement – Propose a detailed plan to involve and seek feedback from the

Scappoose community at large in the brand discovery process. This can include open houses,

participation at existing community events, pop-up events, community conversations, and other

public engagement activities. Consideration will need to be given to providing outreach materials in

Spanish and other languages. Proposers will need to demonstrate their approach and ability to

be receptive to, consider, and consolidate all viewpointsreceived during the public engagement phase

of the project.

Task 3.4 Annual Town Meeting – Attend and participate in the 2024 Annual Town Meeting. The

Consultant will provide a presentation to attendees in addition to developing and facilitating an

engagement activity to gather public input. The Annual Town Meeting will occur on a Saturday in

spring (exact month and date TBD). The selected month will depend on the needs of the City, project,

and public engagement plan.


Task 4.1 Identify Feasible Brand Themes – Based on research and community feedback, develop a list

(approximately 3-5) of feasible community brand themes that align with Scappoose’s values, culture,

assets, and opportunities. The potential brand themes will need to authentically reflect the Scappoose

community today, have economic benefits, carry an achievable implementation strategy, be a source

of community pride, and promote quality of life.

Task 4.2 Options Analysis with EDC – Conduct an options analysis of the feasible brand themes with

the Economic Development Committee in which the advantages and challenges of every identified

brand option are independently but comparatively explored. This can be done as a SWOT (Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, by evaluating each brand theme against the criteria

listed in Task 4.1, or by other meansthat will achieve the City’s goal of narrowing down a brand theme.

Task 4.3 City Council Presentation – When a preliminary brand theme has been identified by EDC, the

Consultant will develop and provide a presentation for City Council to ensure that the preliminary

brand theme is consistent with Council’s vision of Scappoose. While the focus of this presentation will

be on the brand theme that emerged, the presentation should also include a brief analysis of other high-quality brand themes for Council’s consideration.


Task 5.1 Develop Brand Implementation Strategies – Develop a draft list of specific and

comprehensive strategies to implement the brand identified by EDC and approved by Council. This

may include an analysis or specific proposals for a slogan, event themes, architectural design

standards, features of public spaces, styles of public art, etc. This will need to include the creation of

a new City logo and an easy-to-use template for the City’s monthly newsletter. Both the logo and

newsletter template should be attractive and consistent with the new identified brand.

Task 5.2 Staff Review Implementation Strategies – Share brand implementation strategies with City

staff for a review of their feasibility.

4 Defined as a central identity that defines a community’s brand such as high tech, outdoor recreation, performing & fine arts, or wine country.

Task 5.3 EDC Review Implementation Strategies – Share brand implementation strategies with EDC

for a review of their appeal and conformance with the identified brand theme.

Task 5.4 Council Review Implementation Strategies – Share brand implementation strategies with

City Council for a review of their appeal and conformance with the identified brand theme.

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