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Department: City of Tulsa – Tulsa Route 66 Commission

Proposal Due Date: Mail or deliver to City Clerk address. Proposals are open

the day after the due date, 9/25/2024.

Donny Tiemann, Project Buyer |

All questions should be emailed with the RFP 25 – 904 in the subject line.

Submit proposals (sealed) to:

Office of the City Clerk

City of Tulsa

175 E. 2ND St.

Suite 260

Tulsa, OK 74103


With this Request for Proposal (RFP), the City of Tulsa on behalf of the City of Tulsa’s Route 66 Commission (“Commission”) is seeking a qualified consultant, agency, or team to develop and implement a marketing campaign that highlights Route 66 in Tulsa, the Commission’s events, and commercial districts along Route 66.

The target audience for this campaign should be all potential visitors to Route 66 with a focus on local and regional visitors. Responses to the RFP that include a national and international audience will have a competitive edge.

The campaign should focus on Tulsa’s unique history as the Capital of Route 66, heritage tourism, economic development of the Mother Road, the City’s Route 66 assets and capital improvements, and the City’s eight unique commercial districts (Route 66 Main Street, Kendall Whittier Main Street, Tulsa Market District, Meadow Gold District, Blue Dome District, Cathedral District, University District, and Gateway District).

With this Request for Proposal (RFP) the Commission seeks to secure professional services to create a comprehensive, multi-platform marketing and event campaign for the economic development initiatives, grant programs, events, and marketing of the Tulsa Route 66 Commission’s efforts.

The Commission is looking for a partner; a consultant, agency, or team that is interested in working with the Commission to promote Tulsa leading up to a high-profile, once in a lifetime celebration, the Route 66 Centennial in 2026.

Our goals are to highlight Route 66 history in Tulsa, encourage cultural heritage tourism, celebrate Route 66, and bring greater awareness to the upcoming centennial, increase visitors to Route 66 in Tulsa, and promote the Commission’s events, grant programs, and initiatives.

We enthusiastically look forward to receiving your proposal.


The Tulsa Route 66 Commission was formed in 2016 and is funded by the Vision Tulsa sales tax package. The Commission supports and assists all ongoing efforts locally and statewide with both public and private entities involved in Route 66 matters. Commission Members will also create and help implement specific strategies and plans to encourage economic development and promotion for Route 66.

In addition to maintaining Route 66’s assets and capital improvements, the Commission hosts various events and an annual holiday lights contest and cruise (Route 66 Twinkle Tour). In 2026, the Commission plans to host select Centennial events and to also participate in the annual AAA Route 66 Road Fest.


The schedule below provides estimated dates for the RFP and contracting process. The City of Tulsa may adjust this schedule as needed.

● Proposal Submissions (4 weeks)

● Proposal Submission Deadline DATE: 9/25/24

● Review of Proposals (2-3 weeks)

● Interview of Top 3-5 Proposals (1-2 weeks)

● Selection of Agency/Team/Consultant (2-3 weeks)

● Recommendation of Respondent to Full Commission (2 weeks-1 month

depending on interview timeline)

● Review and Approval of Recommendation by SSA Committee (1-2 weeks)

● Contract Negotiations (2-3 weeks)

● Review and Approval of Contract by Mayor’s Office (1-2 weeks)

● Contract Time Frame Begins (Time of Signed Contract)

● Contract Period (One year)

● Contract Expiration Date – with potential for renewal (One year from date of signed contract)


The Respondent shall:

● Purchase, monitor and maximize Tulsa Route 66 Commission’s Facebook content & messaging.

● Coordinate creative timelines with assigned staff and Tulsa Route 66 Commission.

● Coordinate art approval on all marketing and promotional materials with Tulsa Route 66 Commission.

● Coordinate the creation and delivery of all swag, promotional items, and printed materials to the Commission in a timely manner.

● Coordinate the printing of the annual Route 66 Coloring Book. Coordinate with the artist for any needed updates.

● Create and execute social media advertising campaigns and limited print advertising campaigns.

● Provide graphic design for marketing and promotional elements for the deliverables listed below.

● Deliver all promotional elements and deliverables in English and Spanish.

Provide translation services for new and existing commission collateral in Spanish or other languages as needed.

● Be responsible for payments to the individual media providers and vendors.

● Prepare monthly reports, summaries, and billing.

● Provide rationale for selecting the source(s) to Tulsa Route 66 Commission for marketing buying and placement and collateral purchases.

● Negotiate with media providers for best rates, schedules and added value opportunities.

● Provide instruction and direction to media providers and vendors.

● Create and execute social media, limited print, and digital advertising campaigns.

● Check media ad vendor contracts and invoices for accuracy.

● Deliver Marketing Strategic Plan for Route 66 Centennial

● Develop and execute an online Route 66 business directory and an online

filterable Route 66 highlights map (with a companion print component)

● Create and execute social media, digital, print, television, and radio advertising campaigns.

● Provide other promotional and marketing needs.

The City of Tulsa is the final authority on all decisions made regarding the contract and media buys. The total proposal budget for FY ending June 30, 2025 is $100,000.00. This includes media budget, creation of the deliverables listed below, subcontractor fees, and all communications and consulting services. The intent is to grow this budget annually as we approach the Centennial of Route 66 in 2026.


The products, reports, and plans to be delivered to the City will include:

1) Swag bags (1,200-3,200 annually) and other swag items (stickers,

magnets, bumper stickers, etc.)

2) Tourism print items (rack cards, brochures, posters)

3) Event marketing & event graphic design (posters, event logos,

promotional graphics)

4) Social media for campaigns

5) Business postcards and mailings (2-5 per year)

6) Coloring book (annual design and printing)

7) Limited print advertising (1-2 annually)

8) Monthly report, summary, and invoice

9) Digital billboards

10) Google ads for campaigns

11) Grant program promotions

12) Print, television, and radio advertising

13) Design and build online filterable Route 66 highlights map (with

companion print map)

14) Expand translated collateral and materials as requested


\Performance Metrics

The following performance metrics highlight key priorities that will be analyzed with the awarded Respondent collaboratively during the life of the contract. This

is not an exhaustive list, but rather an indication of significant performance metrics of interest to City of Tulsa and the Tulsa Route 66 Commission.

The City looks forward to working with awarded Respondents to define additional important performance metrics during contract negotiations.

The final set of performance metrics and frequency of collection will be negotiated by the successful Respondent and the City prior to the finalization of an agreement between parties.

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