Clearstream Platform Refines Online Video Advertising Standards


clearstreamChicago-based Clearstream announced a new media-selling platform to offer advertisers affordable access to top sites.

The new platform will provide high-quality standards in online video advertising to offer a more targeted solution to advertisers who currently pay high prices for a relatively small amount of premium inventory.

Inventory is available on over 90 percent of the comScore top 1000 sites, enabling advertisers to deliver content to relevant streams including major ad exchanges, video ad exchanges, YouTube, social media and private relationships. All the content can be directly embedded with Clearstream’s Clearview tracking and measurement technology.

Clearview ingests and scans video streams with object and acoustic recognition, offering advertisers the opportunity to target relevant and appropriate content and context as well as the exact site pages or applications they want ads to run on. Clearstream uses both stream-level and page-level data to target ad placements, going beyond typical targeting techniques like audience, behavioral and domain. The multi-dimensional approach promotes brand safety and transparency for advertisers and buyers.

Clearstream also offers two new formats including a brand-sponsored “Content Curator” that suggests videos to viewers based on their current viewing, and “Trend Targeting,” designed to reach viral content.

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