Coal Country Coalition (CCC) Is Looking For A Public Relations Firm

Beartooth RC&D Area, Inc. and Big Sky Economic Development jointly on behalf of a Coal Country Coalition (CCC) are seeking a public relations firm for a campaign during the development of a Coal Impact Study for approximately a four-month period.

A Coal Country Coalition, comprised of three Economic Development Districts, Big Sky Economic Development, and six other stakeholder organizations, was created to secure professional assistance in analyzing the impact of coal production and generation on the economy of Montana, assessing workforce skills through an in-depth analysis and developing strategies to combat potential negative outcomes of a potential downturn in the coal economy in Montana. The focus of the study will be in a fifteen-county study area in southeastern and south central Montana.

This includes the three Economic Development Districts of Southeastern Montana Development Corporation (SEMDC), Snowy Mountain Development Corporation (SMDC), and Beartooth RC&D. The study will provide strategies which support the Coal Country Coalition for the development, implementation, and revisions to their respective work plans and strategic planning documents which may include additions to the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies, and for related short-term Planning Investments and State plans designed to create and retain higher-skill, higher- wage jobs, particularly for the unemployed and underemployed in the nation’s most economically distressed Regions.

For all Regions of the Coal Country Coalition to continue meeting the needs of their communities while improving the overall economy, especially in regard to coal development and social conditions, there must be specific goals & objectives to align, leverage, & target federal economic and workforce development programs.

The public relations and communications contractor will be responsible for working with the Coal Impact Study Contractor and the Coal Country Coalition partners.

Funding for this position has been secured through an Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant. Funding for the Coal Impact Study has been secured through EDA and the Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund (BSTF).

Project objectives are to:

  1. Facilitate communication between the stakeholder entities.
  2. Coordinate and provide liaison activities between the contractor’s team and the issuing entities’ team.
  3. Prepare grant reports in compliance with EDA and BSTF requirements for review and submission by issuing entities.

Scope of Work:

  1. Represent the Coal Country Coalition members at public and professional meetings at the local and regional level at the request and approval of the Coal Country Coalition.
  2. Identify and monitor critical coal-related activities and communicate those activities to Coalition members via periodic written summaries of the activity.
  3. Actively participate in key coal industry related meetings as directed and approved by the issuing entities.
  4. Coordinate and provide liaison activities between the Coal Impact Study contractor and issuing entities, including but not limited to bi-monthly progress review meetings/conference calls between the Contractor’s team and the issuing Entities’ team.
  5. Coordinate and provide liaison activities among various agencies and organizations in order to assist in the development of economic and workforce development strategies to address potential changes in the coal economy which have the potential to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
  6. Work to build new relationships between initial Coalition entities and others who would benefit from the project objectives.
  7. Prepare meeting agendas, minutes, bi-monthly project updates, EDA grant reports and BSTF grant reports for review by issuing entities.
  8. Distribute bi-monthly project updates, minutes and other communications to stakeholders throughout the study period.

Proposal due by October 20 to:

Big Sky Economic Development Granite Tower

Attn: Dianne Lehm

222 N. 32nd Street, Suite 200

Billings, MT 59101

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