Colorado Visitors Center Issues Marketing & PR RFP

Colorado Visitors Center Issues Marketing & PR RFP

Colorado Visitors Center Issues Marketing & PR RFP

City of Grand Junction, Colorado has issued an advertising RFP. The assignment includes performing professional advertising services; website/online marketing; and/or public relations on behalf of the city’s Visitor and Convention Bureau. The Grand Junction Visitor & Convention Bureau (GJVCB) serves the community by attracting conferences, trade shows, tours, and leisure visits, resulting in overnight stays and day visits. Its mission is to proactively market the Grand Junction area, resulting in the positive economic impact of visitor dollars.

Scope of Work:

Services which shall be required under the specific direction of the GJVCB coordinator include:

1. Become familiar with the Grand Junction tourism industry, including advertising, research, and resources.
2. Identify target audiences for marketing campaigns.
3. Develop a comprehensive tactical marking plan that uses traditional and electronic media to promote Grand Junction as a tourism destination.
4. Provide consultation and analysis with regard to advertising and marketing research as required.
5. Develop a spending plan for the advertising budget to include recommended expenditures for media, production, creative, collateral and for marketing/advertising research.
6. Provide monthly and annual reporting/analysis, recommend plans, negotiate agreements, place media, produce materials, and perform other tasks that may be required to provide necessary support for sponsorships, events, or promotions for the GJVCB.
7. Provide an annual return-on-investment (ROI) analysis to clearly quantify the financial impact on the local community generated through the advertising and marketing efforts of the agency and the GJVCB. The Agency must clearly demonstrate the methodology and formulas used to determine the annual ROI.
8. Estimate the media and production expenditures in advance of the purchase of printed material and television or radio production. Written cost estimates of anticipated costs for any expenditure over $500.00 shall be approved by the GJVCB.
9. Collaborate and cooperate with the GJVCB’s website/online and public relations contractor/s should those contract/s be awarded separately. Attend monthly team meetings via teleconference or at a location to be determined by the GJVCB.
10. Develop an annual advertising and marketing plan in conjunction with the GJVCB coordinator and staff.
11. Maintain financial accounting records and evidence pertaining to the contract expenditures in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and other procedures as specified by the City. Provide the GJVCB with a monthly analysis/state of the current contract budget.
12. Make recommendations for budget savings where appropriate.
13. Create and produce advertising materials for print, broadcast, and other media as directed by the GJVCB coordinator.
14. Evaluate media schedule performance.
15. Negotiate purchase for placement of all time, space or other media on behalf of GJVCB. Media shall be billed at net cost to the GJVCB.
16. The Agency shall assume all responsibility for the performance of all required services, whether or not subcontractors are used for specific work on a project. The Agency will be the sole prime point of contact with regard to all matters.
17. The Agency will specify for the GJVCB all sub-contractors they intend to use and what their functions will be.
18. Firms will integrate website marketing and public relations contractor strategies in their over-all plan.
19. Assist GJVCB staff with fielding all sales-related calls and emails.

Due date:
Proposal is due on July 18th, 2017 to:

Strong travel and tourism PR firms include 5WPR and Coyne PR.

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