Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks (Metro Parks) is seeking digital creative services to help Metro Parks with the development and implementation of an integrated, strategic digital media strategy. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish a contract with a qualified agency to manage and evaluate a digital marketing plan that raises awareness of Metro Parks and drives Franklin County residents to the parks through an enhanced digital campaign. Some challenges include increasing market saturation, getting people in the parks and increasing positive public opinion of Metro Parks.
Additionally, the intent of this RFP is to identify the appropriate partner to help plan and implement a cohesive, all-encompassing strategy. A qualified agency will provide digital media planning and purchasing services, email marketing strategy, video production and in-depth reporting.
Metro Parks is a public agency serving the citizens of Central Ohio by providing a regional system of clean, safe, natural area parks and features 19 outstanding natural area parks with more than 230 miles of trails and over 27,700 acres of land in seven Central Ohio counties.
Scope of Work:
● Development of core message
● Development of strategic digital media strategy
● Video production, including drone footage, for three, six and nine Instagram TV spots (3 different quotes) to promote park-specific attractions and oddities and the possible opening of Quarry Trails
● Development and production of digital creative to include 24 60-second videos to be used in digital, social media and OTT. Twelve videos will highlight park visitor stories (called Tim Talks) and 12 will highlight park features (called Wander and Wonder)
● Creation of 12 30-second videos to be used in digital advertising
● Static, audio (music and sound effects) and graphics that will strengthen message
● Format that can be used on multiple media channels (traditional and digital)
Due Date:
August 1st, 2019.
Proposals should be emailed to both Peg Hanley at hanley@metroparks.net and Tina Fronk at tmfronk@metroparks.net
Agencies with relevant experience includes Finn Partners and Ruder Finn.