Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health Issues Social Media RFP

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health

Virginia has issued an RFP seeking an agency to conduct Social Marketing Campaigns to Increase HIV Testing Among Men. Proposed campaigns should take the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, the Virginia Jurisdictional HIV Prevention Plan, and the Virginia Integrated HIV Services Plan into consideration.


A. VDH’s mission is to achieve and maintain optimum personal and community health by emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental protection. VDH’s Division of Disease Prevention (VDH/DDP) recognizes the need for a qualified and experienced media services contractor to support VDH/DDP funded services to promote the prevention of HIV transmission.
B. People who are aware they are HIV-positive are more likely to take actions to prevent transmission of their HIV to others.  In Virginia, there are four primary options for those seeking an HIV test:

  1. Community-Based Organizations (CBO) and select Walgreens pharmacy locations which receive grant funding to provide HIV testing;
  2. Local Health Departments (LHD) which hold HIV/STD testing clinics;
  3. Private medical providers;
  4. VDH’s Home HIV Testing Program.  Information on these programs can be accessed at

C. Research has demonstrated that males are more likely to engage in high-risk behavior than their female counterparts, and less likely to practice health-seeking behaviors.  Males living in Virginia are more likely to be HIV-infected, and less likely to be tested for HIV, than females.  In 2016, men accounted for 44% of publicly-funded HIV tests; however, sex with an HIV-infected male as a primary risk for HIV (among men and women) accounted for 64% of new diagnoses.  In the same year, 83% of newly-diagnosed cases of HIV occurred among men.  In order to minimize the number of new HIV infections which occur, the proportion of men who are routinely tested for HIV must increase.

D. A maximum of $300,000 is available for the 18-month budget period.

E. There will be two separate campaigns: one to increase awareness among men of the variety of routes by which they can access HIV testing, and the other to increase awareness among men of the importance of routine HIV testing.  Campaigns and/or materials that have previously been developed may not be proposed; the offeror will need to develop all new materials for both campaigns.

F. While development and media flights of the campaign are at the discretion of the offeror, certain national awareness days that fit within the confines of the selected target audience are highly recommended to be used as focus points throughout the contract period.

Scope of Work:

A. Media Services

1. Creative Strategic Planning & Management
a) Contractor shall provide clearly defined process and outcome objectives in addition to action steps for maximum exposures of the two campaigns to the target audience.
b) Marketing research and logic should be incorporated into media planning to leverage advertising dollars for maximum delivery and exposure to the target audience.
c) VDH/DDP staff should be included in the development of creative strategies.
d) Contractor must work closely with an assigned contract monitor and any designated community advisory bodies in the selection/approval of campaign materials for use in Virginia.

2. Production

a) Contractor shall work with VDH/DDP on the production of new materials.
b) Contractor must work with VDH/DDP to select which VDH information should be added to campaign materials.
c) Contractor shall brand all materials with selected VDH/DDP information, as well as a logo or other stylistic element which will allow the two campaigns to be linked; finalized materials must receive VDH/DDP approval from the Office of Risk Communication and Education, and the CDC-mandated AIDS Material Review Panel before being used.
d) Contractor shall be responsible for all production, storage, and shipment of all printed materials.  All materials should be distributed by the end of the contract period.  Any leftover materials shall be returned to VDH/DDP.

3. Media Planning/Buying

a) Schedules of media buys shall be provided to VDH/DDP for advance approval, in writing, prior to any media buys being purchased.
b) Media buys shall be placed in a manner that accurately addresses VDH/DDP’s media strategies and goals, utilizing proven capabilities for high quality and cost efficiency.
c) Advertising and marketing goals for the project must be reflective of the RFP purpose and statement of needs, culminating in the form and marketing promotions of the HIV testing campaign materials.

4. Collaboration

a) Contractor shall work with System Linkages and Access to Care, and HIV Testing staff during the course of the project as necessary to meet programmatic requirements and requirements for the use of Ryan White funds.
b) Contractor shall work with LHDs, CBOs, Community Advisory Boards, the Community HIV Planning Group, and other applicable groups to obtain input on the campaigns during production and implementation.
c) Contractors may attend quarterly HIV Prevention Contractor meetings convened by VDH/DDP in Richmond, typically held the first Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December.

5. Monitoring & Evaluation

a) Contractor shall regularly monitor all media activities.
b) Contractor should make necessary adjustments to media buys based on performance data.  The VDH/DDP contract monitor shall be informed of shifts to media buy funds before they are made.

Due Date:

August 15, 2017

Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health
Office of Purchasing and General Services
109 Governor Street, 12th Floor
Richmond, VA  23219-0331

French West Vaughan is a strong agency with Virginia offices.

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