The City of Fullerton (City) is soliciting proposals from experienced and qualified consulting firms to assist the City in communication and outreach efforts aimed to inform and educate Fullerton residents on funding, benefits, and needs related to a potential revenue measure.
On April 23, 2019, City Council held a Strategic Planning Session, at this Session, staff presented the results of a Community Stakeholder Engagement survey that had been completed in-house and had been posted online utilizing the City’s OpenGov System to solicit public input related to the Strategic Planning Process. At that time, 706 responses were received via OpenGov and nine written statements were submitted via email. Based on the results, there was a desire for City Council to further understand community perceptions and needs. Staff was then directed to perform a formal Community Survey. Staff then solicited formal Request for Proposals from qualified firms to conduct professional public opinion polling services. The City received six proposals and subsequently awarded a contract to FM3. A Community Survey was subsequently developed by a firm that specializes in public-policy oriented opinion research. On March 3, 2020 the results of the survey were presented to City Council. The survey was performed telephonically and online with 515 respondents. The results of the survey indicated that respondents have mixed opinions about the City. They mostly consider it a good place to live and a safe community. But, there is concern about the direction of the City and increased crime. Based on the responses, there is a strong sense that the City needs additional funding to address key priorities such as: homelessness, condition of streets and infrastructure, and emergency response/public safety.
Scope of Work:
I. General
A. City is a municipal governmental agency which provides Police, Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services to approximately 140,000 residents in City. In addition, City maintains several hundred miles of public streets, City parks and libraries. City also has its own Public Utilities Department which provides water and sanitary sewer services to its businesses and residents.
B. City’s Office of the City Manager is committed to serving our community through teamwork and the constant pursuit of excellence. The Office of the City Manager/Administration Department is responsible for providing administrative and executive management services to the City’s operational departments and public information to the public. The City Manager’s Office/Administration Department requires support in the educating and outreaching the community on the City’s needs thus the City will be selecting a contractor to fulfill the scope of services. Contractors shall specify which of the services listed below they provide and which they do not provide.
C. The Consultant shall assist the City Manager’s Office with conducting a strategic public outreach, education, and communication program to inform City of Fullerton residents about the current financial challenges, city service needs, infrastructure needs, and facts about potential revenue measure options.
D. The Consultant shall ensure that all City provided public information is educational and informative and not advocacy.
II. Specific
The selected firm shall provide the following services as follows:
– Assist and facilitate its staff, any other consultants, and any city employees assigned to the project to develop an organized strategy;
– The selected firm shall provide the City of Fullerton with a detailed timetable of the proposed project. The timetable should begin with a kickoff planning session with the City;
– Review current city staff reports, polling data, and other documents related to the City’s budget, infrastructure, and service needs as well as media clippings, recent election nuances, and other pertinent issues in the public arena;
– Provide viewpoints on City’s education based efforts based on strategic considerations;
– Recommend strategies for publicizing factual information about the City’s needs and challenges related to revenue tax measures;
– Selected firm shall develop written communication deliverables for use in various public information related outlets, including press releases, social media postings, mailers, web site copy, and Op-eds;
– May assist in the drafting of a secondary community survey to be conducted by City’s designated public opinion polling and public opinion consultant;
– Independently assess updated survey results, provide analysis, recommendations and a Public Information Plan/Timetable to the City, update Plan/Timetable as needed; Draft Ballot Argument/Rebuttal as appropriate;
– Conceive and/or produce informational mailings;
– As needed, oversee additional opinion research if needed;
– Any additional services that a firm offers that add value to the project goal.
Due Date:
May 08, 2020, 5:00 pm, PST
Relevant agencies worth considering include Ruder Finn and Finn Partners.