Corporate PR

5 tips ronn torossian

5 Tips to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

You want to start your own business – great idea. Now, make a plan. What will you sell? How will you sell it, and how much will you need to sell to support yourself and your business. Once you’ve got a clear vision and plan, then use these tips to

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Dumbest Press Releases of the Year

Hillary’s Scooby Van Stops and Blunders Hillary Clinton’s take out at a Chipotle in Iowa received over the top bad PR this week. Apparently, in the dark – wearing sunglasses like their top Dem candidate – Hillary’s PR team was counting on the fact that no one would recognize her.

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Bad PR: 4 of the Worst Public Relations Ideas Ever

There always seems to be people thinking they had a good idea starting out and then things turned south in a big way once it hits the internet. From the damage control side of the PR business, sometimes you are not able to stop clients reacting badly on the internet,

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3 Tips On Success With Financial Communications

Are you effectively communicating financial happenings in your business? If not, how can effective financial communications positively impact your business and bottom line? Communication done right will help shape your company and possibly your industry. You will see the benefit in your stock price or company valuation. Your operating performance

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youtube ad model

Future of YouTube and its Advertising Model

YouTube is undoubtedly moving into a more advertising-oriented model. However, the basis of their advertising may be eroding. The company is in the enviable position of being the site that most people associate with high-quality video on the internet. The sheer profitability of their position is the reason why their

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workplace value

4 Ways to Increase your Workplace Value

The economy of today is complex, and this means that it is quite tricky to keep or find work even for those employees who are well qualified. With the increasing number of talented individuals seeking opportunities, you have to work extra hard so as to keep your job and also

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ronn torossian guerilla marketing

Guerilla Marketing in your Pocket

– Ronn Torossian discusses the limitless potential smartphone’s present in creating effective serendipitous marketing moments – Your smartphone is an almost limitless personal brand marketing tool. If you are one of the infinitesimally small percentage of people actually getting the most out of your smartphone, congratulations. But if you are not actively using

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starbucks jonah engler

Race Together: Starbucks Racing Backwards?

There are many leaders in this country calling for a “national conversation” about race. More importantly, there appear to be millions of people ready to have that conversation. That combination could trigger a sea change in race relations in the United States. Or, if handled poorly, it could take what

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SXSW: Why You Should Be Paying Attention

The SXSW event has not only been creating some buzz for brands, musicians and entertainment in Austin, but also across the country. The interaction with consumers and fans at this event can make memories that stick in their minds for years to come. Upcoming Trends In the past there have

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google press release

Google Algorithm and the Press Release: What does it mean for you?

It always seems that when Google updates its search ranking algorithms, negative results ensue for those attempting to promote themselves through the world’s largest search engine. That being said, it may come as refreshing news that the latest algorithm update actually works in favor of companies that are using search

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