District of Columbia Courts Issues Creative RFP

District of Columbia Courts Issues Creative RFP

District of Columbia Courts Issues Creative RFP

District of Columbia Courts is seeking an agency to create a Strategic Plan, Creative Concept, Design and Print-Ready Publication Services. Project Background: The District of Columbia Courts, comprised of the Court of Appeals, the Superior Court, and the Court System, are in the process of developing its fourth Strategic Plan to cover the 2018-2022 time period. The D.C. Courts are seeking a qualified contractor to provide creative concept, design, and print-ready publication services for the production of the Courts’ Strategic Plan and related communication/marketing materials, including digital searchable materials for website and social media platform.

Statement of Work

The contractor shall provide appropriate creative concepts and designs for the Strategic Plan and communication/marketing materials, utilizing Court provided content which will include text, photographs and graphics. The contractor shall also provide photographs/graphics (as needed) and deliver a print-ready layout in English and Spanish for professional printing.

The design and layouts shall include the following:

  • The design for the front and back cover of the strategic plan booklet;A presentation-quality finished size of 5 ½” x 8 ½” booklet not-to-exceed forty (40) pages;
  • A presentation-quality finished size of 5 ½” x 8 ½” executive summary not-to-exceed four (4) pages; and
  • A downloadable electronic file for internal and external websites that will allow for social media feeds and mobile app downloads.

The contractor shall be responsible for:

  1. Concept development – with input from the D.C. Courts, provide a minimum of three (3) proposed concepts/themes with sample designs for the publication. The approved concept/theme will tie together in a cohesive, effective story that is told visually in the design of the publication. Concept development will include up to three (3) revisions if necessary based upon the Courts’ review and feedback.
  2. Graphic design and layout – high-quality publication design that effectively applies the approved theme with approved copy and images (photos, illustrations, etc.) for visual interest and to emphasize the Strategic Plan’s theme and content, as well as an Adobe PDF file that contains all elements of the completed plan, including the inside and outside of the front and back covers, with all text searchable by Adobe Acrobat Reader, and a thumbnail image of the Plan’s cover for web postings. A maximum of three (3) revisions will be allowed to incorporate graphic and layout changes.
  3. Print-ready production file – delivery of a print-ready professional printer production file in the Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black (CYMK) printing format.
  4. Professional Printing – A total quantity of 2000 strategic plan booklets: 1500 in English; and 500 in Spanish

Proposal due by May 12, 2017 to:
Geoffrey A. Mack
Procurement and Contracts Manager
Administrative Services Division
616 H Street, N.W., Suite 622
Washington, D.C. 20001

Strong DC based agencies include APCO Worldwide and Burson Marsteller.

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