Downtown Development Authority of Hamtramck Issues Branding RFP

Downtown Development Authority of Hamtramck
Downtown Development Authority of Hamtramck

The Downtown Development Authority of Hamtramck is interested in creating a DDA Website. The goal for the website includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

• Develop a brand that reflects that identity and history of the community 

• Improve communication between the DDA with the constituents they serve. 

• Promote community and economic development. 

• Support special events within the community. 

• Enhance the community image and identity. 

The DDA is soliciting a vendor that has the desire, experience, and talent to help the DDA revamp its brand and support the integration of that brand into “blueprint” for its website. The vendor must be willing to come to engage with DDA constituents to best understand what they believe is necessary to meet their needs and, most importantly, the website must be designed from the consumer’s perspective.


The DDA is requesting proposals from qualified vendors for the hosting, planning and development and maintenance of a website. The proposal consists of three parts. 

I. Undertake outreach initiative 

II. Brand Development 

III. Initial Website Presence Development 

IV. Long-term Website Strategy and Planning

Scope of Work:

Part I. Outreach Initiative

The first step to this process will be to establish a firm foundation for the project, grounded in the visions of DDA constituents, through dovetailing outreach initiatives that seek to understand how DDA members believe the DDA should be branded, and what functionality they believe the website should have. Outreach efforts should have the following qualities: 

1. Inclusion. Hamtramck’s DDA district is diverse, and so every effort must be made to ensure that all constituents are afforded an opportunity to participate, regardless of any language or cultural barriers. 

2. Representation. Recognizing that a sense of ownership is a critical component to creating a sense of community, constituents must be made to feel as if their views and ideas are being represented whenever possible. 

3. Education. The vendor will work closely with DDA Board Members to educate DDA constituents about the nature of the project, potential outcomes of this process, and why it is important. 

Part II. Brandmark and Visual Language Development 

Developing a brandmark that is reflective of the community, its values, and its history is a critical step in supporting sustainable development in Hamtramck’s DDA. Recognizing that, and the importance that we place upon the development of constituents as stakeholders through participation in development activities, it is absolutely critical the finished product be representative of the community, its past, and its future. 

The Finished Product Should Include the Following Components: 

1. A Logo. The new DDA logo should be reflective of the community 

2. Colorways. The brand should include colorways that can be used in Hamtramck DDA marketing materials, on the DDA website, and on DDA social media materials 

3. Themes and Motifs. A set of consistent symbols, formats, and styles that will help to create clear visual through lines that tie together all DDA platforms, marketing materials, and communications. 

Part III. Initial Website Presence Development 

The Parameters for Website Design are as Follows: 

1. Easy to expand. Since the website will continue to evolve over several years, it is important that the site be designed with flexibility for future growth. For example, the DDA may require a change in server speed/bandwidth/storage, web page reorganization, page template redesigns, cascading style sheets, and the ability to add features in a way that is organic, in order to meet growing constituent demand. 

2. Easy to maintain. ALL content pages, including features of the website that requires frequent updating (e.g., agendas, minutes and event calendars), must be designed so that non-technical DDA Staff will be able to update information on the site as needed. Templates (or administration screens in a dynamic interface) for each section should be created to ensure consistency as new pages are added. However, vendors must include a fee schedule and/or monthly site maintenance plan in the RFP response for all maintenance items, especially those that are more technical in nature. Maintenance fees will not be counted against the $10,000 bid cap. Identify any software installation/initial setup requirements. Document the installation/configuration of any software. Vendor must list any and all training requirements, including number of employees that will be trained and the cost of each, the courses and timeframe for training. Vendor must include a 5-year maintenance fee schedule for costs and labor. Vendor must provide their change control policy and notification for hardware and software changes. 

3. Easy to use. It is important that the site be designed so that residents and visitors, regardless of computer expertise and equipment, are able to easily navigate through this website. To that end, the vendor should conduct a usability test to ensure the design meets the DDA’s ease of use requirement. Vendor must provide any design usability, information architecture and template documentation. 

4. Easy to find. The website must have a strong presence on the Internet. Service should therefore include metatag development. Non-residents searching for information about the Hamtramck DDA must be able to find the website with major search engines using keywords such as “Downtown Hamtramck” or “DDA of Hamtramck” or “City of Hamtramck DDA”. 

In general, the initial website will include the following features: 

1. A community calendar, that can be edited by constituents.

2. A form that can be used to send contact the DDA directly 

3. Photographs and graphic elements provided by DDA, and the brandmark and colorways, should be placed on pages where appropriate. Assume that photographs will be provided in be digital format, however, also assume the use of historical photographs in hard copy format. Graphics should be optimized in order to decrease download time. 

4. An index, editable by DDA staff and businesses, of DDA businesses, their contact information, and links to those businesses websites and social media pages 

5. Email communication and ability to gather list of email addresses for individuals interested in receiving information about government services. Vendor should be prepared to discuss options, including email subscription application, how email lists may be managed, etc. 

6. Website must be secure. Secure servers and code, secure socket layer web pages, firewalls, anti-virus, penetration test, security patches, etc. and cost for applying all regularly scheduled patches, anti-virus updates, firewall and router patches. A general outline of information to be included in the initial website development is shown on 

7. Page-types that allow for the posting of written content; stories, media and PR, news, or audience-focused bulletins. 

Other Items 

1. Project Plan – Vendor must provide a Project Plan that considers company and DDA’s resources defined with a timetable for completion. Equal progress payments will be issued based on project length. 

2. Privacy and Legal – Privacy and legal issues/policies shall be addressed prior to the web site launch. 

3. Vendor will be expected to meet with DDA Administration to discuss various items such as hours required for web site support, service level agreement, start date and completion date.

Due Date:

July 31st at 4PM


Downtown Development Authority of Hamtramck 3401 Evaline Street Hamtramck, Michigan 48212 (313)800-5215

Agencies worth considering includes Ruder Finn and Finn Partners

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