5 ways Facebook Can Make Businesses Money

Make Money on Facebook

Make Money on Facebook

Where else can you have access to so many people? Where else will you find the marketing tools available to business pages for relatively small cost? Facebook offers businesses great opportunities if you know how to use them. So, here are five ways to put your Facebook Page to better use.

Tell your story facebook

Tell your Story

You’ll hear it a lot, be yourself. Yes, you should do that, but how do you make money from that? Incorporate another thing you’ve heard you should do – tell stories. Specifically, tell your story. Not all at once though. Give it in bits and pieces, as those bits apply to what you offer at that moment.

If you sell hand-crafted wooden toys for children, tell why. If you started because you wanted quality toys, talk about that. Tell your frustration at the items you found not being what you wanted. Or maybe it’s because they weren’t environmentally friendly enough. Whatever your story, tell that.

Engaging facebook

Engage Often

The business pages have a scheduling option, so you can set up a number of posts automatically posting at the times/days you scheduled. But, you still need to check your page at least a couple times a day to see if people are responding to your posts. If they are, start a conversation – or keep it going. Ask questions, build a friendship – but don’t start selling to them. Just talk. Answer questions they ask, but don’t push a sales agenda.

If they really want to learn about your product, move the conversation to a private one, or arrange to call, skype or email them directly. Plan for at least 1-2 posts each day on your business page. Most of it helpful, interesting, humorous, or other good information your target group should enjoy.

Contacts facebook


Add to your Contacts and Followers

Facebook makes this relatively easy. You can do an ad campaign for followers and have it run for any length of time you choose, for as little as $5 per day. Another option is to boost posts. The best way to boost a post is if you have one with a lot of action – shares, comment, and likes – boost it.

Just check to make sure you boost for the budget you want. Facebook preloads an amount – often in the $60-200 per day range. However, you can go as low as $1 per day, so make sure it fits your budget.

Treat it like business facebook

Treat it like a Business

If you are doing this as a hobby, be honest about it. If you need to build income from your Facebook efforts, then be professional. Set business hours for yourself. Have a to-do list of what needs to be completed by a specific time. Follow up with people. Actively work at building your online business.

Offer great content, and when it is generated from your blog or other sites you run – be certain the articles are quality – in content and without spelling and grammar errors. Think about your response to a resume from someone filled with errors. Your Facebook page and articles you write are your business resume.Videos Facebook


If you don’t like doing them, find someone to do them for you. Videos are one of the biggest factors in increasing your business faster, so create and share them. As quickly as you can, get the equipment necessary to produce quality videos.

What advice have you picked up to help others build their business on Facebook? Leave your opinion on the comment section below! 

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