
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from interested parties to provide Public Relations services for FIRST.

The high level goal of the resulting contract will be to assist FIRST leadership in:

  1. a)            Maintaining a core set of public relations responses and key messages;
  2. b)            Reviewing our current media engagement processes and recommend improvements;
  3. c)            Responding to media inquiries;
  4. d)            Proactively identifying opportunities to promote FIRST’s initiatives and objectives in media, both traditional print, online and social media;
  5. e)            Help drive participation in FIRST events and initiatives using media outlets;
  6. f)             Help drive FIRST association membership using media outlets.

FIRST aims to generate awareness worldwide, with a specific focus on the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and one additional country each year where a flagship conference is organized. Support for this latter event may be provided through a local partner and under an additional contract.

FIRST typically targets two audiences:

  • Specialized cyber security media outlets to help drive membership, organization and initiative participation;
  • General media to create high level awareness of our goals.


FIRST.Org, Inc. (FIRST) is a recognized global leader in computer network incident response and security. Membership in FIRST enables incident response teams to more effectively respond to security incidents by providing access to best practices, tools, and trusted communication with member teams. FIRST is a nonprofit membership based association with over 300 member teams from over 80 countries. FIRST.Org Inc. is a U.S. nonprofit corporation and is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3)tax-exempt organization.

FIRST’s Mission Statement

  • FIRST is an international membership association of trusted computer incident response teams who cooperatively handle computer security incidents and promote incident prevention programs.
  • FIRST members develop and share technical information, tools, methodologies, processes and best practices
  • FIRST encourages and promotes the development of quality security education, products, policies & service
  • FIRST develops and promulgates best computer security practices
  • FIRST promotes the creation and expansion of Incident Response teams and membership from organizations from around the world
  • FIRST members use their combined knowledge, skills and experience to promote a safer and more secure global electronic environment.

Scope of Work:

The Contractor’s responsibilities in performance of this requirement include:

  • Developing and maintaining a list of FIRST key messages, that can be used to train FIRST media representatives and help drive media engagement;
  • Maintain a list of media outlets in which to position FIRST as a key organization helping develop the international cyber security incident response community;
  • Proactively engaging with these media outlets on opportunities to expose FIRST’s goals, mission and initiatives;
  • Maintaining a business day capability to receive, triage and respond to media inquiries about FIRST;
  • Propose and implement a social media action plan, which includes:

o             Regular authoring of social media posts relevant to FIRST initiatives;

o             Responses to social media inquiries;

o             Coordination with our event organizer on event-specific social media posts.

  • Develop at least four (4) press releases annually on behalf of FIRST, and release these through a global network, in addition to targeted distribution to media outlets focusing on cyber security, regions or industries to which the releases apply.
  • Proactively identify at least four (4) opportunities annually for a FIRST-authored byline. Work with FIRST subject matter experts to draft and publish the byline article.
  • On an annual basis, promote FIRST’s flagship conference event through:

o             The release of at least two (2) specialized press releases;

o             Organizing a media conference for local press outlets;

o             Providing media monitoring and a coverage report.

High Level Requirements

Participating contractors must have the following capabilities and skills:

  • An ability to engage with media internationally, with a particular focus on the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan;
  • Ability to work both with technical security outlets, as media which is more focused on CIO-level leadership, and government policy makers.
  • Ability to provide, under a separate annual agreement, and potentially using a local partner, media support for our annual conference. The next three will be organized in Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Canada. Wider market presence is a significant plus;
  • Ability to track media outlets and social media for references of FIRST, and provide regular media updates to FIRST on its media coverage;
  • A global network to distribute press releases, as well as an ability to create specific relationships with media outlets in cyber security for targeted promotion;
  • Experience with cyber security or internet technology organizations is a major plus;
  • Experience with non-profit organizations preferred. Be able to work effectively with FIRST volunteers for content and strategy.

Participating contractors are expected to have some of the following capabilities, and highlight their specialization in the proposal:


  • Ability to help us develop a strategy that supports FIRST goals, looks for leads, and identifies content opportunities that drive engagement with our core audiences.
  • Help us define how we should address and present to our audiences and map all relevant channels.
  • Your content creation services should ideally include:

o             Creativity – Create quality content by providing a steady stream of case studies on video content, additional graphics, design features, or new content ideas to support in the marketing campaigns.

o             Copywriting, design and production skills to help them attract audiences.


  • Help produce relevant content for organizational publications.
  • Help FIRST manage content that ensures maintaining a voice and close identities.
  • Catalog media publications covering FIRST to track developing stories that affect us or our membership.

Content Creation

Provide qualitative and quantitative research services to assist in decision making, PR and marketing content. You should redirect existing or leading research data by providing new reliable statistical data and detect new trends in at least 72 hours.

Measure Campaigns

By analyzing data from existing marketing platforms, you can identify opportunities that broaden FIRST’s vision and increase the reach of content, channels, and tactics. The methodology should be in line with international data analysis standards and good practice metrics, based on the standard framework established by AMEC – International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication.

Brand Management

Identify the number of people who know FIRST as well as its associated attributes.


Help FIRST build reputations of value by developing messaging, building executive profiles, managing communities, and engaging with the most relevant influencers and media.

Make our audience engagement more relevant through immediate responses, news management, storytelling and campaigns on social platforms.

All of this requires a set of competencies that combine thorough monitoring, a general context analysis, and a deep understanding of media relations. Implement cross-channel campaigns with a thorough attention to detail and the ability to operate in real time.

PR services offered ideally will include some of the following services:

  • Brand Identity and Message Development
  • Brand Analysis and Reputation
  • Strategic Communication
  • Relations with the Media, Analysts and Influencers
  • Corporate Communication
  • Visibility of Executives
  • Speaker bureau
  • Managing relationships with the community
  • Crisis Management
  • Media training
  • International Campaign Management
  • Measurement of results

Digital marketing

Help FIRST to amplify yours messages in an integrated approach to social networking or mobile advertising display. Helping to maximize the costs spent on the media, making each click more efficient.

Digital Marketing services offered will include some of the following services:

  • Digital Strategy Social Media Marketing
  • SEO and SEM
  • Analysis and reporting Media and Advertising
  • Management Advertising and media management
  • Content and Copywriting
  • Creative Design Web production and development
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Solutions Video production

Due Date:

March 2nd


Mr. Thomas Schreck FIRST.Org, Inc.

P.O. Box 1187

Morrisville, North Carolina 27560-1187

PR firms who may be a fit could be financial focused PR firms such as Peppercom or Makovsky PR.

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