Former PR Official for Macomb County Facing Child Porn Criminal Charges

Philip William Frame

Philip William Frame

Philip William Frame (61) was charged with child pornography – involving dozens of counts. Federal agents found nearly 20,000 images on computers in his home during a raid in September 2015. The images were downloaded videos and photographs he’d been collecting for a couple of years.

Until late in February the criminal complaint was sealed, but records were made public at that time in the Detroit U.S. District Court. The complaint charges him with possession, receipt, and distribution of child pornography. After appearing with his attorney at court, Judge David R. Grand released him on a $10,000 unsecured bond, sending him home to await the next court proceeding.

Agents of the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations raided his Shelby Township home while he was there. Frame admitted to agents he had been downloading child pornography, and that he “may have” traded some of the images electronically. He also provided the agents with two e-mail addresses where he said he may have shared those images.

Child Scared

Some of what was confiscated during the raid included a 26-minute DVD of two 13’ish males, a 10-minute video of various males in the 13-15 age range – all of a sexual nature. Approximately 850 images and video files on a 16-gig flash drive – about 500 of them – child porn. Another flash drive containing 241 files with child porn. And a third memory story device with nearly 11,000 images and videos of illicit sexual activity with minors included.

The Federal criminal complaint charges him with one count of possession, one count of receipt, and one count of distribution of child pornography. He faces as much as 20 years in prison if he’s convicted. His next court appearance is scheduled for March 31.

And the bad news doesn’t stop there. He also faces another 71 counts of child porn filed against him by the State of Michigan. If convicted on those, he faces another possible four years behind bars and up to a $10,000 fine. There are other charges as well, a felony for using his computer to commit a crime and a misdemeanor count for possession of marijuana.

But here’s the kicker, on February 29th, he was back at the Shelby Township district court, asking the judge to reduce one of the conditions of his bond prohibiting him from using a computer or smartphone for a list of purposes such as online banking. Prosecutors planned to oppose his request, but no news yet on the outcome of those proceedings.

Frame directed PR for County Board of Commissioners of Macomb from 2004-2009. His time in the job ended because the job was the victim of budget cuts.

Up until his arraignment in early January on the original Federal charges, he was working as at Constand Communications Group as a contractual account director. Constand handles Cabo Center – Detroit’s media relations. Constand Communications was founded by the CEO and owner, Tom Constand.

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